Month: March 2016

#ThrowBackThursday, #FlashbackFriday

Everyone knows that the only reason you go abroad is so that you have an awesome Instagram and Facebook feed for pretty much the rest of your life. The countless #ThrowBackThursday’s and #FlashbackFriday’s will give you any excuse you might need to force photos of you in exotic (Western European and also maybe Prague) locations…Continue Reading #ThrowBackThursday, #FlashbackFriday

Life Update

Midterms are finished and the semester is almost halfway over. It’s hard to believe that my second year at Furman will soon come to an end! With that being said, I have had so many new and amazing experiences at Furman this past year, and my summer plans couldn’t be more exciting; therefore, I think…Continue Reading Life Update

Gar’s Anatomy

I just started watching Grey’s Anatomy. In fact, I’ve had to remind myself that I have never been Seattle and I should definitely not switch my major to pre-med. Okay, actually I’ve been watching too much (I’m watching it right now). It’s a problem, I know. I’m actually going to start a support group for others…Continue Reading Gar’s Anatomy

The comprehensive list of how I do the DH.

Why would you care about what and how I eat? Because it’s pretty much the biggest thing that I care about.    Step One. Swipe in. Apologizing to everyone behind me because it did not occur to me to take my ID out before I got to this point. I know. I am one of…Continue Reading The comprehensive list of how I do the DH.

Midterms, Again?

It’s midterms, again. Apparently they happen every semester. Who knew? But on the bright side, I get to see my best friend on Saturday. Hint, it’s my dog. With Spring Break looming around the corner, it’s hard to stay focused especially with all the stress from midterms and waiting to hear back from internships. But…Continue Reading Midterms, Again?

What If College Isn’t The Best Four Years of Your Life?

This weekend was spent acting as a tour guide for my little sister, who was in Greenville for the first time in three years. She was meeting most of my best friends for the first time. She was discovering and exploring and learning to love this place (almost) as much as I do. As a freshman in college, she…Continue Reading What If College Isn’t The Best Four Years of Your Life?

How to Survive Back-to-Back Shows and Live to Blog About it

This past month at Furman has been a busy one: first Into the Woods, then The Magic Flute, now Cabaret! Music has taken over my life and I am DEFINITELY not complaining about it. With that being said, here are a few of my tips for surviving back-to-back shows. 1. SLEEP. Your mind will tell…Continue Reading How to Survive Back-to-Back Shows and Live to Blog About it