I Would Be So Good At Furman Snapchat . . . hint, hint.

Sometimes as I contemplate the greater things in life, the Furman snapchat accounts come to my mind, and I wonder why I am never in control of it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to follow every thrilling moment of someone who translates dead languages for the majority of her day? Then I realized, I have something much much better than a password to a Furman snapchat account, I have a furman student bloggers blog, AND instead of my face doing all those things, I have meme’s and gifs, of cooler people doing all these things. So, I will adopt the attitude “take charge of your own destiny” for the remainder of this post and I will pretend that I have control of the snapchat account and then you will be upset that I do not have said control. *Some of the GIF’s require clicking on them for them to work . . . 


Molly’s Monday

7:33am. I have to wake up pretty early four times a week for my 8:30. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t eat breakfast. I love breakfast. I am not friends with anyone who doesn’t love it. I always eat a ton of breakfast, and I do my oatmeal Buddy the Elf style. I through in all the dried and real fruit, and chocolate, and peanut butter, and honey that I can find while still half asleep. As long as the sugar comes in a form other than white and grainy, I feel like it belongs on my oatmeal. People should be exposed to these creations, so that is what the snapchat would be. #InTheMorningICanEatAsMuchAsMostCanEatForDinner #AmIFurmanFamousYet?


7:58am I begin my walk to school, I have the very coveted “Commuter” parking sticker, because I live in the Vinings, but the Vinings is very close to Furman and from my apartment to my classes is only 20 minutes, about the same time as North Village, if I take the shortcut that is. Who knew that behind the Chapel could look like such a wilderness, it might require jumping on a few rocks, but all the better for the snapchat feed. Makes me look completely outdoorsy, and give me an excuse to wear “sensible” shoes constantly. #TheGoalIsToLookLikeAnAdventureClimberBeforeSpringBreak #AmIFurmanFamousYet?


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8:35am. I have been in Greek class for about 5 minutes, and have been confused for about 4 minutes and 30 seconds. I like to remind my mother that Greek is hard, by making a lot of “it’s all Greek to me puns” when I tell her about Greek class. She laughs, and I hope that means she will understand when maybe I don’t do very well. They use a different alphabet you know, it’s hard. But snapchat deserves to get these puns as well. Imagine me, sitting in a chair, a blackboard full of greek letters, the whole class sings in union “It’s all Greek to me”. #DeadLanguagesAreMoreFunThanIMakeThemSoundAndHowTheirNameMakesThemSound #AmIFurmanFamousYet?




10:21am. I have a two hour break until my next time, so I head on over to the library, where I write pure gold. Or at least I pretend to, because it is important to look like you are trying to be productive in the library so when your friends come over and complain to you about how much work they have, you can complain right back, and then tell them you have to keep working and they will thankfully leave you alone. #ISwearILikePeopleButILike2000YearOldDeadMenBetter  #AmIFurmanFamousYet?

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11:50am. Next stop. Classics class. It is like a mix between a Latin class and an English class. We read Roman authors in English and then we discuss them and write about them. It is a lot of really old dead men ( notice a theme yet), being really dramatic, and full-of themselves, or when they aren’t overly confident they are dripping in pity and are terribly lonely. Which seems sad, but we are still talking about them 2,000 years from now, so we must have done something right. On snapchat, imagine my in a toga, reenacting the stabbing of Caesar. #MyProfessorShockinglyDoesNotAppreciateItWhenIAskIfWeCanWearTogasToClass #AmIFurmanFamousYet?

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12:30pm. LUNCH. It is my favorite part of my day, because food is my favorite thing in the world. And I’ve discovered that you can’t really ever get sick of the dining hall food because they have waffles 24/7. And cereal 24/7. AKA breakfast 24/7. Which means I eat breakfast food for the majority of my life. But that sometimes means  be a lot of fruit, so that is proper sustenance, right? #ISwearMomILiveABalancedLifeStyle #BalancingMyPancakesAndOmlettesThatIs #AmIFurmanFamousYet?



1:47pm. We are in the middle of Latin class. Right now we each are taking turns translating a sentence in the second Philippic, when I get called on, I’m like blah, blah, blah blah blah blah, saying the exact right answer. #ThatIsALieITypicallySayWhatIHaveAsTranslationAlongWithThe5QuestionsIHaveWrittenDownAboutTheSingleSentence #AmIFurmanFamousYet?

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3:45pm. it’s German class! I for sure picked Monday to take over the Snapchat account because it makes me look most studious, the other days I have much fewer classes. German class this semester is fairytale themed, problem is there is a lot more violence and child-ruining moments in these fairytales than the Disney versions. We would probably save snapchat the pain of these moments, it’s would just throw your fondest childhood memories out the window. #PrettyMuchEveryFairytaleEnvolvesDeathAndInappropriateRelations #AmIFurmanFamousYet?


4:59pm.  I packed a bag so that I could use this time to work out, the possibility that this is actually happening is slim. I am most likely still hanging out with my friends from German class. Most of us went abroad together last semester, so we have become quite close, and even though we only spent a month apart between Berlin and Furman, it still feels like a reunion every Monday and Thursday. #WeMakeInsideJokesThatWereFunnyThenBecauseOfHowScaredWeWereOfBerlinAndFunnyNowBecauseOfHowScaredWeAreWeWon’tGetToDoItAgain #AmIFurmanFamousYet?

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7:52pm. It is chapter! My favorite hour of the week, and since I am VP Communications, I get to have a say in it. This week we are having an activity chapter, which means instead of business meeting style it is a helpful and/or interesting activity! This week it will start off with the Malone Career Center talking to us about how to build the perfect resume, and then hopefully watch something resume based show like the Office, or perhaps Office Space, while we help our sisters with each others resumes. It’s internship season, and we are excited! #BecomingEmployedIndividuals #AmIFurmanFamousYet?


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9:12pm. I am home and have some more homework. I will probably make some tea to go along with it. Tea is something special to me, we make it multiple times a day at home, and my mother sends boxes with us when we leave when we leave to go to school. It is just the Traders Joe’s brand, but we have a secret recipe, it makes the best cup of tea anyone has ever had. I have never met a person who doesn’t like a “Clark Cup” of tea. That cup and Pride and Prejudice is all I need to be transported 800 miles home. Snapchat would definitely learn the secrets of this cup of tea. #SeriouslyComeOverSometimeAndIWillMakeYouAWarmBeverage #AmIFurmanFamousYet?

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But seriously, am I Furman Famous yet?

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