Month: February 2016

I Would Be So Good At Furman Snapchat . . . hint, hint.

Sometimes as I contemplate the greater things in life, the Furman snapchat accounts come to my mind, and I wonder why I am never in control of it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to follow every thrilling moment of someone who translates dead languages for the majority of her day? Then I realized, I have…Continue Reading I Would Be So Good At Furman Snapchat . . . hint, hint.

Confusion, and Joy, and Fear, and Pride, all Mixed Together.

College moods are unlike anything that I have ever felt before. The best way I could describe it as is that moment when you are a kid, and all of a sudden you experience a feeling you’ve never felt before: You didn’t know you could feel multiple emotions at the same time, and then it…Continue Reading Confusion, and Joy, and Fear, and Pride, all Mixed Together.

The Importance of Alone Time

Something I didn’t really consider about your freshman year of college: you are literally never alone. Like, you live with another person in a glorified box. You go to classes, and lunch, and meetings and dinner, all with other people, and then you come back to your box, and there is another human there, because…Continue Reading The Importance of Alone Time