This is real, this is me!

(Name that movie, ya’ll)

Bonjour! Hola! Aloha! Ola!

My name is Leah, and I’m a freshman from Nashville, Tennessee.  I adore theater and singing, and my newest talent is hand-lettering (look it up!!).

My weaknesses are any movie about weddings, sparkling water (La Croix pamplemousse), and polka dots, but I can also be found rocking the Chacos and Birkenstocks on a daily basis. Sometimes with socks. I know.

I’ve never studied photography, but I love it – and I actually have a fairly good eye. My Instagram is my pride and joy (again, I know..), but for me it’s like my journal or my diary.

I have a little brother, a little sister and a poodle named Dash. My favorite types of flowers are gerber daisies and peonies.

These first few weeks of college have been filled with new friends, new experiences and lots of getting lost. I have a class in the Playhouse this year (the theater building), and it’s not quite located on central campus. I’m pretty sure I took an accidental 5 mile hike trying to find the building for the first time. This is probably because I looked at the map from upside down and went THE WRONG WAY across campus.

My top three pieces of advice so far:

  1. Don’t eat the garlic knots or the chocolate chip waffles in the DH (dining hall). If you do, you won’t be able to stop. Believe me.
  2. YOUR. CLASSES. The day before they start, walk your classes. You will avoid the absolute panic of not knowing where you are going.
  3. Call your mom! And Skype your friends. The first two weeks of college are filled with new acquaintances, but it’s sometimes good to be able to talk to people who you can be weird around.

College is exciting and terrifying all at the same time – I’m just trying to absorb it all, and you lucky people get to follow my journey. We’ll see what happens from here.

xoxo lovelyleahp (it was Camp Rock)

Also, this is what I look like — I’m fully aware it is a car selfie with a snapchat filter. I tend to be behind the camera, instead of in front of it.


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