Month: September 2015

You know it’s Family Weekend When…

You know its family weekend when… The bookstore is buzzing with little siblings buying FU swag. You get adopted by your friends’ parents if yours can’t make the trip. The pace of cars is slowed by parents in awe of the beauty of this campus…or just confused by which traffic circle they are supposed to…Continue Reading You know it’s Family Weekend When…


Update on my life: I went to Atlanta to see my friend (and Furman’s greatest alum ever) stage manage her first big time show I saw Kesha at Clemson My fantasy football team has won the past 2 weeks, and people laughed at my decision to draft mostly Patriots players. But who’s laughing now? My…Continue Reading Goals

Furman Greek Life

We’ve all heard the horror stories: once you’re in a sorority or fraternity, there’s no going back. Say “Goodbye!” to all of your non-Greek friends and DO NOT even think about being seen with people from other Greek organizations than your own. Luckily, from what I’ve seen so far during my time here at Furman, I…Continue Reading Furman Greek Life

This is real, this is me!

(Name that movie, ya’ll) Bonjour! Hola! Aloha! Ola! My name is Leah, and I’m a freshman from Nashville, Tennessee.  I adore theater and singing, and my newest talent is hand-lettering (look it up!!). My weaknesses are any movie about weddings, sparkling water (La Croix pamplemousse), and polka dots, but I can also be found rocking…Continue Reading This is real, this is me!

A little bit (or a LOT) of me.

Dear friend,  Don’t you dare leave the DH (Dining Hall) without saying “thank you, have a beautiful day”. Hold the door for the person behind you, or the person that you can see with the corner of your eye coming your way. Just hold the door always. Address people as “ma’ams” and “sirs”. Apologize for…Continue Reading A little bit (or a LOT) of me.

Back at Furman

Hey, my name is Gar. I am a junior Communication Studies and Computing & Applied Mathematics double major. To paraphrase Parks & Recreation, I like people, places, & things, and Furman is my favorite place in the world. If you can’t already tell, I love television and someday hope to work in the television industry….Continue Reading Back at Furman


Prost is the first new word I learned this semester, it means cheers, but just as important as its meaning, you must look whomever you are cheering with in the eye. This leads to me being terrified of breaking some unspoken cultural rule, so I make intense eye contact while forgetting to look at my…Continue Reading Prost!