A little bit (or a LOT) of me.

Dear friend,

 Don’t you dare leave the DH (Dining Hall) without saying “thank you, have a beautiful day”. Hold the door for the person behind you, or the person that you can see with the corner of your eye coming your way. Just hold the door always. Address people as “ma’ams” and “sirs”. Apologize for something, anything. Be humble, but proud. Be loving, and lovable. Treat yourself, care about yourself, and show your best self every day. Learn how to love and enjoy grits, boiled peanuts, fried green tomatoes, pimento cheese, sweet tea, deep fried oreos-trust me it’s not that hard. Study the southern slang (e.g. goober: a kindhearted, rather oblivious goofball-it’s term of endearment really), and for Lord’s sake -thank the Lord every day- and use “y’all” and #blessed. These are some of my tips on how to get used to living in the south as a foreigner. And in case you are wondering who I am…just relax for a second, I’m almost there.
An accurate depiction of my relationship with food

Hey y’all! I am Danai (pronounced like “deny” but with a duh instead) and I am feeling great all the time! There are three things I love in life:

  1. FOOD
  2. Friends
  3. Laughing/being loud


Now here comes the part that everyone loves. I am an international student, from Thessaloniki, Greece. This is usually when I pause during an introduction so people have some time to digest what I just said. Digestion is followed by a change of expression in their face, wide open eyes, lifted eyebrows. “Wow”. Yes, who knew, Greece is a country and there’s people living in it. I KNOW! So weird.

The amazing Wag Lab!

Important information you should know about this semester: I am currently taking BioOrganic, and Physical Chemisty, Wellness Concepts, and I am doing research in the lab where I worked this past summer. I will warn you, my blog posts will include a lot of insights on these classes and how I am doing in them, which might bore you, or might show you what my life looks like. Chemistry is tough, but not impossible! I am also an Admissions Ambassador (holla if I give you a tour) and I am the “baroness”/Vice President of Furman Creative Collaborative, an organization that puts up a lot of creative events, cool projects, and is the parent of TEDxFurmanU.

Anyway, that’s all you need to know about me right now. I have lots of things to share with you and hopefully you’ll find them interesting. My blog posts should not be this long in the future, but introductions always take a bit longer! Oh and I know my parents are reading this so HI MOM AND DAD!!

Talk to y’all later!


PS: Have you laughed today?

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