Month: December 2014

Second Semester Resolutions

In the spirit of the New Year to come, here are a few of my New Years’ resolutions for my second semester at Furman! 1. Rush a sorority. Getting to know more girls on campus and build friendships that’ll last a lifetime? Yes, please! 2. Read more books. Feel free to offer any suggestions! 3….Continue Reading Second Semester Resolutions

Favorite Furman Tradition

One of my FAVORITE Furman traditions of all time is the annual December trip to the Biltmore Estate. The event is put on the by FUSAB (Furman University Student Activities Board), a popular student organization, and it is always a wild success. Here’s why: FUSAB works with the Biltmore to set up a special event…Continue Reading Favorite Furman Tradition

Senior Year – Midyear Update!

With the first semester of my senior year at Furman complete, I thought I’d give an update on my current state of the union. Grades for this semester: posted and I am pleased! 🙂 This semester I took several classes for my Sociology major and one elective course to sample a department I had no…Continue Reading Senior Year – Midyear Update!


HAPPY LDOC!!! As of twenty minutes ago, I am officially done with classes for the semester! No more homework assignments and essays and tests, just the sheer insanity that is Finals Week. The end of classes is always tainted bittersweet—you’ve just finished classes, but then you have to turn around and study your butt off….Continue Reading LDOC