Category: Uncategorized

16 things you should do in 2016

Tell people you love them more often. Actually mean it. Exercise. Go to the PAC (Physical Activities Center) twice a week for 45 min. (to work out, not just stare at people/your phone screen) Thank people for even the smallest things they do that make you happy or improve your life. Walk to class more,…Continue Reading 16 things you should do in 2016


Prost is the first new word I learned this semester, it means cheers, but just as important as its meaning, you must look whomever you are cheering with in the eye. This leads to me being terrified of breaking some unspoken cultural rule, so I make intense eye contact while forgetting to look at my…Continue Reading Prost!

Taking a Break

There is a delicate balance between working and resting. As Spring Break becomes more and more concrete, and the countdown feels reasonable, I have to remember to focus on the ‘working’ aspect of school. Unfortunately, Midterms are the week before the break. Midterm week means there are more late nights in the library, but it…Continue Reading Taking a Break

Furman is Home

“Welcome Home” “#HomeAtFurman” “Homecoming” Those are the phrases that have been ringing in my head the past two weeks and and it’s been beautiful. Looking back I’m extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to chair the Homecoming Committee for FUSAB. Yes it was fun getting to plan and execute events these past two weeks…Continue Reading Furman is Home

Planning My Life One Day at a Time

It’s no secret that with college comes a lot of responsibility, especially as far as time management is concerned. In my experience so far, balancing schoolwork, social interaction, and sleep has been my greatest challenge in adjusting to the college lifestyle. With that being said, I am by no means an expert at managing my…Continue Reading Planning My Life One Day at a Time