Month: January 2016

Friends, Waffles, & Work

Lately, I’ve been think a lot about Parks and Recreation. Not surprising, considering it’s the best show to ever be on television and season 7 was just released on Netflix. But the quote – “We need to remember what’s important in life: friends, waffles, work. Or waffles, friends, work. Doesn’t matter, but work is third”…Continue Reading Friends, Waffles, & Work

A Definitive Guide to Sorority Recruitment

Over here at the Furms, we’re now on the other side of spring semester recruitment. The Potential New Members have now found their sisterhood, and are busy friending upperclassmen on Facebook and trying not to get overwhelmed at their pledge class’s GroupMe. So now that I’m on the other side of it all, I thought I’d…Continue Reading A Definitive Guide to Sorority Recruitment

115 Days

This morning I showed up to my 8:30 class at approximately 8:29, to find all the seats filled except those in the back row. I quickly found some friends and took a seat, but I felt uneasy, as I am typically early and prepared for a seat front and center. This was a professor I…Continue Reading 115 Days

16 things you should do in 2016

Tell people you love them more often. Actually mean it. Exercise. Go to the PAC (Physical Activities Center) twice a week for 45 min. (to work out, not just stare at people/your phone screen) Thank people for even the smallest things they do that make you happy or improve your life. Walk to class more,…Continue Reading 16 things you should do in 2016