And we’re back!

For being away from Furman for a whole semester, it sure has felt familiar coming home. I no longer need a GPS for the 9 hour drive from Ohio, but that could be because I stay on the same road from Ohio until North Carolina and then I follow my roommates car in Tennessee. It’s nice to have friends that know where they are going. Driving through campus, even with all the construction is like old hat. I know where to find all the best parking spots, I remembered when to tap the breaks for the speed bumps, and I still know the exact time from the dining hall to the Classics department for optimal lunch time. Furman is familiar and after being in a land where I didn’t understand the language, and buying a stamp required me to study flashcards, it feels nice to be back.

Once I got here I started my move into the Vinings. The Vinings are an off campus living option that makes me feel like an adult. I started my own electrical service, I failed at setting up a router, and then I called someone who could actually set up a router, and I bought myself an iron (well my grandmother gave me one for Christmas), but either way I am becoming a highly functioning person, and only called my parents twice. My internet company sent me my first bill yesterday with the subject line “Congratulations” which probably annoys a lot of their customers, but I appreciated their enthusiasm. 

Besides quickly jumping into adulthood, I have also quickly jumped back into Furman friendships. Sure today might have been syllabus day but it was also be-that-crazy-girl-that-screams-in-hallways-between-classes day because I haven’t seen these friends for almost 7 months. I was a little nervous about still having friends after leaving, but I guess they don’t resent me all that much cause we annoyed all of Furman Hall many times today. Both the syllabi and the friends make for a very overwhelming and exciting day and I can not wait to see what the rest of the semester has in store, tests and all. 

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