Month: December 2015

Surviving Sorority Recruitment

Judging from the overabundance of Greek letters and throw-what-you-know pics on Facebook, it’s that time of the year again: SORORITY RECRUITMENT. Sorority recruitment was probably one of the most stressful experiences that I have ever had, aside from the college admission process; however, it was also one of the most rewarding experiences, for I have…Continue Reading Surviving Sorority Recruitment

Finals & the End of the Semester

One final project turned it, one exam completed, another exam in three hours, and my last exam in 24 hours. Finals are here, and almost gone (thank God). Exams may be the W-O-O-ORST***, but unfortunately necessary. This means this semester is almost over. These classes were fun, but I’m ready for a change. I’m also…Continue Reading Finals & the End of the Semester