What am I Thankful For?

As this semester comes to close, I have decided to- in the spirit of belated Thanksgiving- make a list of the things (in no particular order) that I am most thankful for as of these past four months.

1. The music department at Furman. Now that I have decided to go the music route, I have found nothing but encouragement and support from my professors and colleagues.
2. Puppies. And kittens. Basically anything with fur. Seriously, the Greenville Humane Society keeps me sane around the time of finals.
3. My sorority sisters. I know that they will always have my back, and I theirs.
4. Coffee!!! Without it, I would probably be in a constant state of zombie-Hayden.
5. My best friend, Mackenzie. Through thick and thin, we will always be there for each other! Our apartment next year will be the epitome of organized chaos.
6. My parents and my beautiful sister, Casey. We may have our differences, but in the end the bonds of sisterhood always bring us back together. Who knows, maybe she will be a Paladin like her big sis?
7. This may be redundant, but my dogs. No other explanation is necessary.

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