Chemical Cultivation Additives


You would not expect pesticides to be found in soft drinks after they have been processed and delivered to the consumer. However, Coca-Cola has been accused of their products containing high levels of pesticide residue in countries that do not have extensive regulations. For instance, in India they found pesticide residue in products that surpassed the global limit. The pesticide restrictions were not enforced, and Coca-Cola and PepsiCo took advantage of this, while in turn jeopardizing the consumer’s health (Hills & Welford, 2005). These pesticides are known to cause cancer, illness, birth defects, and damage to the nervous and reproductive systems (Hills & Welford, 2005). These findings had a great impact on Coca-Cola’s sales and took a while to revitalize after serious marketing. This demonstrates the impacts of variability of regulations across the globe and how some countries are getting the short stick.