Brannon Andersen, Bill Ranson, Suresh Muthukrishnan, and our newest faculty member, Betsy Beymer-Ferris (starting in August), attended a Mellon Foundation funded travel seminar in sustainability that visited Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark, and Freiburg, Germany. A total of 18 faculty from 8 different colleges participated in this program. The group met with city planners, architects, and design experts in each city. We used public transportation for traveling between cities and used hired bicycles to travel within the city. Overall, we studied sustainable design in buildings, alternative energy, agriculture, and transportation. After the seminar was over, Betsy traveled on to do research in Norway and Sweden, whereas Bill, Brannon, and Suresh traveled with Dr. Becky Gould (Middlebury College) to Zermatt, Switzerland to study glaciers, glacial geomorphology, and water resource management (and lots of good hiking). The outcomes of the travel will be incorporating our experiences and learning into our curriculum and the development of a May Experience trip to Germany and Switzerland.
Click on links below to see some photographs from these places.