The StudioLab Symphony

Without being able to recite the formal definition of a symphony, one would describe it as a complex song that incorporates many different instruments and talents. So to call another artistic work or activity a symphony, one would need to describe the various tools and talents that went into said activity.

The StudioLab can be called a symphony when in full swing; it incorporates many technological tools (such as the powerful computers and applications, tablets, cameras, etc.) and the expertise and creativity of the staff. At those moments in each semester when everyone has an assignment due, the hustle and bustle of the StudioLab sounds like a bizarre symphony: The sighing of stressed out students, the jovial encouragement from consultants, the whining of computers, and the beat kept by the constant dripping of the coffee machine blend together to form a harmonious song of engaged learning. And that’s what students, graduates, and former consultants should take away; a song that they can all remember differently, yet the same song of critical analysis of how one learns and how to continue learning and exploring forever. The “StudioLab Symphony” is the song Michelangelo had stuck in his head when he said “Ancora Imparo” or “Still I learn.”