Day 10: More organization and a mystery solved!

Day 10 brought more organization, more filing, more plastic clips, and more acid-free boxes.  We also stumbled across the answer to one of the mysteries in the boxes —

Looks like my confusion over the puzzle earlier indicates that I behave like a typical child...

Looks like my confusion over the puzzle earlier indicates that I behave like a typical child…

Another neat item we found was Temple Grandin’s business card!

We wondered if Dr. Schopler had this for research related reasons or if he purchased things for his farm from her!

We aren’t sure whether Dr. Schopler had this for research related reasons or if he purchased things for his farm from her!

The students also had the opportunity to start searching the archives for material to write about for their blog posts (which will be posted at the end of the course).  I’d like to post about the cool stuff they are researching but I don’t want to steal their thunder…you’ll just have to check back in another week to see what they found.