Day 21: Our last day in Akron!

Wow, time flies!  Tuesday was our last day at the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.  We enjoyed lunch with the staff and our students shared what they learned.  Our students also posted their blog posts for you to enjoy!  Be sure to check them out to see the cool stuff they found in the archives.

Our group with the Center staff!

Our group with the Center staff!

Although it was time to go, we couldn’t leave without perusing some of the rare books in the cabinets that have surrounded us while we worked these last two weeks.

June 2 015 June 2 016 June 2 018

The tiny book that Dov and Jenn are holding is oldest book in the collection — from 1533!  And the book that Alissa W is holding is a copy of a book by Wilhelm Wundt that belonged to William James!!! (Check out a blog post about it here.)

June 2 027

The Center also has a second edition print of the Origin of Species by Darwin!

And then, it really was time to go!  Some students had to get to the airport!  Others had to do one last “only-in-Akron” activity (you are correct if you guessed that it was cruising by LeBron James’ house) before packing up for the drive back to Greenville.  All in all, a successful May X!

That’s all for this installment of Psychology in the Archives.  But until next time, you can get your history of psych fix by visiting the CHP blog:

Abe’s Adventures

I like Abraham Maslow, who created the hierarchy of needs. He focused on how people could live happily as their best self. Contrary to Freud, who theorized all human motivation stems from an innate urge to do evil, Maslow theorized that every human has an innate urge to do good. This was a remarkable, unique thought, not only because psychology at the time focused on reductionist, pessimistic views of human motivation, but because he had a childhood that made him wonder how he turned out sane. He had wondered what made people become excellent, and in the same vein, why people did not shine so bright (Valiunas, 2011).

I also like everyday life– the fabric and texture of a daily experience really engages me. In fact, the further back in time I learn about, the more enchanted I become.

So when I came across Maslow’s high school diary in his finding aid (a convenient list of what and where to find it) in the Center for the History of Psychology’s archive, I was ecstatic. For me, it was the first, but not the last, time in the archives that I deeply felt I had found something really cool. The cover was torn and crumbling, but the inside pages were in good condition, and the handwriting was legible (something I couldn’t say about his later journals).

Title page of Abraham Maslow's Diary 1922-1924

Title page of Abraham Maslow’s Diary 1922-1924

The first page, rendered in blue ink and attempted calligraphy, displayed “Ye Diary , Records Of Ye Events , Happening of Ye Abe Maslow”. The following pages were exactly that. He started writing when he was 15 years old, starting the second day of his high school career at Boys High School. One can read the rise and fall of the chess club he founded, various outcomes of the baseball games he played in, his brief but optimistic foray into football, his contribution of Latin puns to the school newspaper, tales of his abrasive family members, lazy Sundays, perspectives on his teachers and grades, summer jobs, political commentary, and newspaper clippings. In all, it was an intimate perspective, full of personality and humor– attributes which grew with the years. It was a pleasure not only to have a glimpse into his life and enjoy the 1920’s slang, but to see his writing style become steeped in personal flare, in contrast to the daily lists of events when he first started to journal.

Maslow Makes a Latin Pun

Maslow Makes a Latin Pun: Causa Belli

It was a humbling experience to read the diary of an ordinary yet ambitious teenager who would one day radically change the way we think about the human experience. Halfway through the diary, Maslow celebrates the anniversary of the diary’s inception, and he prides himself on keeping with it so consistently. From then on until his death at 63 years old, he kept meticulous journals and rich diaries, exploring and recording his thoughts, feelings, instincts, hopes, and theories. Not only that, but the fact he kept and preserved his first journal must attest to his character, as his collection in the archives is noticeably larger than other psychologists’.


Valiunas, Algis (2011). Abraham Maslow and the All-American Self. Retrieved from:


IQ Zoo

This is Where the Magic Happens

This is an original sketch for the piano playing chicken. Courtesy of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

One of the many fascinating collections housed in the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology is the IQ Zoo. Created by psychologists Marian Bailey and Keller Breland, and later co-operated by Bob Bailey, the IQ Zoo grew from an idea in the lab to a legitimate business. They saw the possibilities for marketing operant conditioning and took their chance at creating a circus type-environment where children and parents of all ages could gather around and watch the many talents of chickens, ducks, raccoons, and more.

These psychologists hypothesized that visitors to the IQ Zoo could be so amazed with the tricks these animals performed that they would develop a new sense of encouragement to impact their own lives. If a chicken can learn to play a piano, then maybe I can quit smoking, learn Spanish, or stop eating sweets.

The 1950’s was a time of great progress in psychological science, producing studies that every student learns about in General Psychology (e.g., Asch’s Conformity experiment, Harlow’s Monkey experiment, and the Robbers Cave experiment). The IQ Zoo is one of those experiments because no other psychologists had previously exposed their work through marketing. It was available to parents, children and teachers of Hot Springs, Arkansas.

The purpose of the IQ Zoo was to convince people that operant conditioning was an effective treatment for teaching new behaviors. Operant conditioning is using rewards to change behavior. Some of these specific behavioral techniques are positive reinforcement and errorless teaching, which allow animals to learn in a very natural environment without demerits or punishment. This was more than just animals that were trained to do elaborate tricks. They could have just written an article about their hypothesis, but they were aiming to appeal to a wider population than simply psychologists.


This was an updated version of the piano playing duck in an advertising magazine. Courtesy of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

One of the apparatuses used was a piano playing chicken. Originally, the instructions were written for a duck, but they decided both animals could successfully complete the task. A child would insert a coin into the side of the piano, which would prompt the chicken to peck a light switch and start playing the piano for the time necessary until he received a reward (food).

This is the apparatus of hte chicken playing the piano described in the paragraph above. Courtesy of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

This is the apparatus of the chicken playing the piano described in the paragraph above. Courtesy of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

Psychology is a brilliant way to demonstrate how people and animals learn. The IQ Zoo will remain an influential part of the history of psychology because it promoted the field to go beyond the books and into the real world.

The links below provide extensive information about the IQ Zoo.

1980’s Social Psychology Textbook Explains Today’s Riots

Warning: If read your understand of human interaction will be forever altered--As of 2012 this book is in its 11th edition!

Warning: If read your understanding of human interaction will be forever altered–As of 2012 this book is in its 11th edition!

I am fascinated with the work of Elliot Aronson, so I knew that I’d have to find something in the center by him. Luckily, I found The Social Animal, a social psychology textbook he wrote! After perusing the book, I honed in on the chapter on Human Aggression.

Aronson opens this chapter with a personal anecdote. He describes himself nonchalantly explaining to his son that napalm was a weapon that sticks to a victim and “burns him pretty badly.” (Aronson, 1980, p. 159) He then goes on to express his surprise when he looks back at his son and sees him sobbing. This encounter shocked Aronson, and made him wonder if society was becoming desensitized to violence.

Aronson wrote the chapter while “Living in an age of unspeakable horrors –the war in Vietnam, the mass execution of tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Cambodia and Iran, the mass suicide of over 900 people in Jonestown. And yet, although these events are tragic and dramatic, occurrences of this kind are not peculiar to a present decade.” (Aronson, 1980, 160) Aronson is completely right, these horrors are not exclusive to the past, a textbook published in modern times would have a plethora of atrocities to cite.To me, this is the most compelling aspect of Aronson’s book. Even though the world is rapidly evolving before our eyes, human nature is staying virtually constant. Aronson made commentary on a topic that has not been radically changed, and therefore is still relevant today.

For example, Aronson discusses the environment that sparks riots; a headline we’ve seen all too often in reaction to the Ferguson unrest. Aronson stated that “Aggression can be reduced by eliminating hope–or satisfying it.” He cited an experiment by James Kulik and Roger Brown, in which subjects were asked to make collection calls for charity. A group of the participants were lead to believe that they would have significant success. What Kulik and Brown found was that this group showed significant signs of aggression, such as slamming the phone down, when the confederates repeatedly refused to donate (Aronson, 1980, p. 181). This experiment showed how frustration, or expectation thwarted as Aronson describes it, can create aggression. He notes that the Detroit and Watt (1967, 1965) riots, did not take place in areas of the greatest poverty, rather they took place where there was blatant racial oppression but an opportunity to change the outcome. (Aronson, 1980, p. 183) This is a potential explanation of the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, the expectation of social justice is what creates the riots, but only because people still have the hope of righting the system.

"Carnage: During the riots in the wake of Freddie Gray's death, police cars were left abandoned and burned out in the middle of the street while protesters jumped on them"

“Carnage: During the riots in the wake of Freddie Gray’s death, police cars were left abandoned and burned out in the middle of the street while protesters jumped on them” -Posted regarding the Baltimore Riots

The Social Animal is a book that is still very applicable to the current generation; while the world might be a radically different place from 1980, the nature of human aggression is virtually the same. Aronson’s book transcends time because his book is centered around topics that, unfortunately in the case of aggression, remain unchanging.

If only Human Agression was as fluffy and cute as the cartoon introducing the chapter lead me to believe.

If only Human Agression was as fluffy and cute as the cartoon introducing the chapter would lead me to believe.

Aronson, E. (1980). Human Aggression. In The Social Animal (3rd. ed., pp. 159-193.) San Francisco, California: W.H. Freedman., W. (2015, May 29). Anarchy in Baltimore: Residents claim police have deserted them in wake of Freddie Gray riots as murder rate soars to highest in 15 years, Retreived May 30, 3015. from

The Side of History Often Left Untold: Philip Zimbardo and the Stanford Prison Experiment

The Stanford Prison Experiment conducted by Philip Zimbardo is one of the most well-known experiments in psychology, and is remembered in part due to the shocking nature of the experiment. While the experiment garners a great deal of attention for its unique nature, people may not be as aware of the public’s response to the experiment and the broader implications of the experimental results.

’Stanford County Prison’ sign from the experimental basement prison, courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology

’Stanford County Prison’ sign from the experimental basement prison, courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology

Zimbardo designed the study to investigate what makes good people act evil in certain situations. The basement of the Stanford University Psychology Department was transformed into a prison and twenty-four male college students were randomly assigned to be either prison guards or prisoners for two weeks. The experiment was stopped after only six short days because the prison had become a reality for the students. Typical college students had been transformed into completely different people simply by taking on the role of either a member of a powerless group or a member of a controlling group.

One of the prisoner’s outfits from the experiment, courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.  The prisoners wore only thin sheets with their number on them for identification.

One of the prisoner’s outfits from the experiment, courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology. The prisoners wore only thin sheets with their number on them for identification.

One of the khaki uniforms worn by the guards during the experiment, courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology

One of the khaki uniforms worn by the guards during the experiment, courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology









The results of this experiment had a much wider realm of application beyond the basement of the psychology building at Stanford University. Throughout the United States an entire prison system was operating on the basic principles that Zimbardo had recreated in his fictional experimental prison. He recognized the problems of that system, as did other people throughout the United States. In a statement to the US House of Representatives in 1971, Zimbardo even called the prison system “the ‘experiment’ which our society is conducting using involuntary subjects.”

The cover page of Dr. Zimbardo’s statement to the U.S. House of Representatives about the Stanford prison experiment and his findings, courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

The cover page of Dr. Zimbardo’s statement to the U.S. House of Representatives about the Stanford prison experiment and his findings, courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

A page of one of the daily logs for the experiment, August 18, 1971 courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology. Each daily log included a chronology of events through the day and notes about actions of the prisoners and guards.

A page of one of the daily logs for the experiment, August 18, 1971 courtesy of The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology. Each daily log included a chronology of events through the day and notes about actions of the prisoners and guards.

Zimbardo received letters from a wide range of people including navy officials, lawyers, prisoners, governors, police chiefs, and even a few attorney generals, all praising his efforts and wanting to know more about the results of the experiment to help enact change in the United States prison system. An amazing thing about the experiment that I realized while reading the letters he received was that he sparked a movement. Many of the letters were requesting slide shows of the experiment to show as training videos in addition to asking his opinion about prison reform or telling him about steps being taken to monitor the treatment of prisoners. One person even wrote asking for Zimbardo’s help to stop funding for 2 maximum-security prisons and was successful in his endeavor to stop the prisons from being built.

One of the many letters received by Zimbardo praising the Stanford prison experiment and his work towards prison reform.  Courtesy of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

One of the many letters received by Zimbardo praising the Stanford prison experiment and his work towards prison reform. Courtesy of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.

Zimbardo served as a leader and the spark for people across the country that saw problems in the system and wanted to help make a change. He helped them with their cause, being able to provide data that the current prison system in place was detrimental to both guards & prisoners in a 6-day simulation, let alone the real prison system where some people spend the majority of their lives as either guards or prisoners. Through the drastic nature of the Stanford prison experiment Zimbardo was able to grab the attention of the general public and turn it towards the importance of humane treatment for prisoners.

Leeper’s Feelings on Krueger’s Essence of Feeling

The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology has many interesting and unique collections in the archive.  I stumbled across a chapter in an edited volume written in 1928 by Felix Krueger entitled, The Essence of Feeling. This chapter is extensively annotated with handwritten critiques, questions and comments of Krueger’s work.  Whose handwriting could it be?  I did some digging, and with the help of one of the archivists, I found out that the book came from Robert Ward Leeper’s private library.

This is a picture of Krueger's chapter The Essence of Feelings annoyed by Felix Leeper.

This is a picture of Krueger’s chapter The Essence of Feelings annotated by Felix Leeper.

I had never heard of Robert Leeper and was curious to find what contributions he made to psychology.  Upon doing some research, I found he was born in 1904 and passed in 1986. Throughout his career, he published several written works as a theoretical psychologist with a focus on personality.  He briefly taught at the University of Arkansas, and later worked with Karl Lashley, a psychologist and behaviorist, on a fellowship in Chicago, before moving to the University of Oregon for the remainder of his career (Taylor, 1987).

Leeper appears to give much thought to Krueger’s chapter!  When flipping through the book, Krueger’s chapter was the only chapter extensively annotated with comments! He even notes throughout the chapter using exclamation points, “Xs,” question marks and large slashes through the text to give indication to how he felt about Krueger’s proposal.

I found that Leeper’s notes described Krueger’s work as “easy to see why his writings have not had much influence in this country.” These notes on Krueger’s chapter are dated February 22, 1969, but Leeper returns to this chapter and notes on September 7, 1969 “I think his proposal is less like mine than I thought.”  I believe Leeper’s interest in psychology outside empirical data may have initially contributed to some likeness of Krueger’s work.

Leeper’s note in quotation that Krueger is “really something” brings a lot of personality to Leeper.  The extensive notes really give you a sense of who Leeper was, and how critical his thought process was! It is fascinating to see the compelling comments Leeper makes on Krueger’s work.  Leeper seems to have an intelligent opinion about everything and it is very exciting to read!

The Cummings Center for the History of Psychology really has amazing things to discover.  Krueger’s The Essence of Feelings annotated by Leeper is truly one of those great finds!  The personal notes and reactions Leeper makes about Krueger’s chapter add conflicting view points to really help interpret the discussion of feelings in the chapter.  It is like reading a debate between two great minds of the past!  Leeper’s dedication to annotating so thoroughly, really makes me excited about other works in his private library he may have annotated!


Krueger, F. (1928). The Essence of Feeling. In Arnold, M.B (Eds.), The nature of emotion (97-108). Great Britian: Penguin Books.

Tyler, L. E. (1987). Robert Ward Leeper (1904-1986). American Psychologist, 42(7), 752-753. doi:10.1037/h0090790

Albert B. Hood Study

Albert B. Hood, a professor at the University of Iowa from 1965 to 2000, made it his goal to help college students reach their full potential. His wanted to find probable factors for student success in college, and attempted to find parallels from student home life or personality and success in certain atmospheres or learning environments.

courtesy of the University of Iowa Alumni Association

courtesy of the University of Iowa Alumni Association

Over the course of his career, he was credited with creating several tests to measure student identity and college success; however it all started with his 1968 study called “What Type of College for What Type of Student.”

This correlational study followed every graduating high school senior in the state of Minnesota in 1961 through their first semester of college, all 18,000 of them!

The sample could have been even larger but Hood excluded students from the study who were not planning on continuing their education in state, or who had the same name as another student already participating in the study- which could have been avoided by using numbers to identify participants instead of names, but that is beside the point.)

Hood asked students to complete an extensive questionnaire to determine their personality type, socioeconomic status, parents’ education level and income, among other factors A blank questionnaire is pictured below.


Hood's student questionnaire in "What Type of College for What Type of Student"


Hood's student questionnaire from "What Type of College for What Type of Student"

Hood’s student questionnaire from “What Type of College for What Type of Student”

Hood tracked students GPAs in both high school and their first semester of their freshman year of college and had students take the MSAT (Minnesota Student Aptitude Test).

Hood’s showed that students whose fathers were unskilled laborers had no difference in college GPA than students whose fathers were skilled workers, and that a father’s occupation seemed to have no bearing on the college or university the student chose to attend (pg. 47). He found that students with equal or similar high school GPA and MSAT scores did slightly better in school if they scored high on extraversion (pg. 74). However, extroverted students did poorly in schools of agriculture or Technical Institutes while introverts seemed to thrive in these schools (pg. 73).

Hood also found that students who were raised on a farm had significantly higher college GPAs than their city counterparts (pg. 55). That data is growing increasingly out of date, as the farming industry has shrunk significantly in the United States since 1961, and it would be interesting to see if that conclusion still holds even as the population size has shrunk.

Hood’s research questions are still being explored today. A large scale study is currently being conducted with Furman University, Davdison College, Duke University, and Johnson C. Smith University on the class of 2018 to try to determine college success through “individual, interpersonal, and institutional factors” just like Hood attempted to find in 1968 (Fourtitude).


[Albert B. Hood photograph]. (2005). Retrieved from
Hood, A. B. (1968). Minnesota Studies in Student Personnel Work: Vol. 14. What Type of College for What Type of Student? Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

The Fourtitude Project. (2014). Retrieved 2015, from Fourtitude Project website: