Day 21: Our last day in Akron!

Wow, time flies!  Tuesday was our last day at the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology.  We enjoyed lunch with the staff and our students shared what they learned.  Our students also posted their blog posts for you to enjoy!  Be sure to check them out to see the cool stuff they found in the archives.

Our group with the Center staff!

Our group with the Center staff!

Although it was time to go, we couldn’t leave without perusing some of the rare books in the cabinets that have surrounded us while we worked these last two weeks.

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The tiny book that Dov and Jenn are holding is oldest book in the collection — from 1533!  And the book that Alissa W is holding is a copy of a book by Wilhelm Wundt that belonged to William James!!! (Check out a blog post about it here.)

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The Center also has a second edition print of the Origin of Species by Darwin!

And then, it really was time to go!  Some students had to get to the airport!  Others had to do one last “only-in-Akron” activity (you are correct if you guessed that it was cruising by LeBron James’ house) before packing up for the drive back to Greenville.  All in all, a successful May X!

That’s all for this installment of Psychology in the Archives.  But until next time, you can get your history of psych fix by visiting the CHP blog: