Day 20: Finalizing FUSE and blog posts — and learning about copyright!

We spent our last full day at the center finalizing our FUSE documents.  This included finishing up the narrative documents that the students have been working on and learning about the details of copyright law.  Lizette was our guide to the ins and outs of what we can and cannot post and how to find out who holds a copyright and how to request permissions.

Lizette and the group surrounded by acid-free boxes.  We will be preserved forever!

Lizette and the group surrounded by acid-free boxes. We will be preserved forever!

For photographs, the copyright belongs to the photographer. This means we have to figure out who the photographer is so that we can request permission to post the photo.  This is an easy task if the photo is stamped with this information on the back….but involves some detective work when it isn’t.  Reading all of those Nancy Drew books in my childhood is going to come in handy!

We ended the day with dinner at a Mexican restaurant — our last dinner as a group before people start heading home on Tuesday afternoon.  Somehow no pictures were taken?  We have become lax as the trip ends.  It certainly wasn’t the margaritas.

(Disclaimer: That was a joke.  Obviously if margaritas were involved pictures *would* have been taken.)

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