Staff Picks On Display

Staff Picks: Favorites From our Children’s Collection We are excited to announce our newest public display highlighting childhood favorites. It’s a fantastic display that you should stop by and see at your earliest convenience. Reminisce, chat, compare and contrast our selections with your favorites.

Celebrate Freedom to Read

Furman Libraries observes Banned Book Week (September 24-October 1) with a display of books banned at different times in different places, that freely circulate from our collection. We don’t take our freedom to read for granted! Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too. ~Voltaire

Cans for Fines!

The ever popular “Cans for Library Fines” is happening now! The Student Alumni Council is holding a food drive with the library. Bring a can of food/item of nonperishable food for every dollar you owe in fines. Although this does not apply to replacement costs of lost items, IT DOES cover inter library loan (ILL) . . .Continue reading Cans for Fines!