Undeniable (CLP)

Shell rings on Daws Island, located in Port Royal Sound, Beaufort County, South Carolina  (photo courtesy of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources)   Undeniable: Humankind as a Force of Nature (CLP) March 27, 2012     4:30-5:30 Pitts Room, 2nd floor Duke Library Dr. Patrick McMillan, a professional naturalist as well as host and writer of . . .Continue reading Undeniable (CLP)

Ye Olde Debate

Ye Olde Debate at Furman College: Civility in Perspective The Furman Debate Society teams up with the Furman Library’s Special Collections to host a debate modeled after the 19th century Philosophian and Adelphian Literary Societies at Furman. Members of the Debate Society will debate a resolution pulled straight from the minute books of these societies. . . .Continue reading Ye Olde Debate

Alligators, duels, and the legal weird

  There are some laws that seem really annoying. Come on, admit it: you secretly hope that law about using a cell phone and driving isn’t passed in South Carolina. I mean, yeah, it’s dangerous, you say, but it’s one of those necessary evils of the busy lifestyle…right? image from http://oxfambookspetergateyork.wordpress.com If you think some laws passed these . . .Continue reading Alligators, duels, and the legal weird

CLP and Reception

photograph courtesy of Special Collections and Archives  Diversity Endangered, Remnants From A Richer Past CLP and Reception, February 8, 2012 4-6 pm Pitts Room, James B. Duke Library     Diversity Endangered is a natural history exhibition created by the Smithsonian Institution with a grant from the National Science Foundation. Twelve colorful panels cover . . .Continue reading CLP and Reception

Massage in the Library!

Tonight in the Library7:30-9:30 Massage Need some focus for studying? “Research shows that it increases levels of the good-mood chemicals serotonin and dopamine (the same chemicals increased by some antidepressant medications); physically loosens tight muscles, ligaments, and tendons; and causes the body to release food-absorption hormones. Last but not least, rubdowns decrease levels of cortisol, . . .Continue reading Massage in the Library!