Surviving Finals

Getting through the last few weeks of your first semester in college can be difficult; the tests have gotten harder, the papers longer, and the excitement of Thanksgiving and the Winter holidays is overwhelming. That said, it is important to not let these things get the best of you. You’ve worked hard this semester and now it’s time to show your professors how much you have learned! Here are a few survival tips for FINAL EXAMS.

First things first, hopefully you will have been studying consistently throughout the entire semester. If not… GOOD LUCK. Okay, I’m only kidding; however, now is THE TIME to start studying. No matter how great (or not so great) you’ve done in your courses so far, the final exam can change EVERYTHING. That in mind, why not empower yourself to make a good grade and better your average in the class?

Deciding to study is one thing. Actually DOING the studying is another. In all honesty, I HATE studying; I would much rather be practicing my violin or socializing with my friends. Luckily- for Furman students- we have many ways to make studying less overwhelming. For instance, a few of my favorite places to study are Tandem and the Forest Coffeehouse in downtown Travelers Rest. No car? Ask a friend to take you, and invite them to stay and study with you! If you prefer not to leave campus, try studying in the Trone Student Center (hello, Starbucks!) or by the lake. Just be careful not to upset the swans.

Finals Week really isn’t horrible. It’s actually one of my favorite times of the year (shocking, right?). Sure, everyone is slightly more stressed than normal, but in all honesty, Furman students are smart. We work hard and, despite all of the whining and complaining- yes, I do partake in this- we make it out alive. Finals Week can even be fun; FUSAB plans many activities to keep our spirits up and provide us with fun things to do during study breaks. Another favorite of mine is the Midnight Breakfast, during which Furman’s professors serve the students breakfast during the DH’s after-hours. All of this in mind, if you have yet to feel the warmth of Furman’s community (which is highly unlikely), you will definitely feel it during Finals Week.

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