Just For Fun: Music Lessons at Furman

Greetings Blog Viewers,

As a junior, I guess I am on a kick to take advantage of all of the opportunities at Furman and in the Greenville area. So, here’s another bucket list item I am checking off and would encourage each of you to consider as well.

-Take music lessons-

For FREE- well I’m sure it’s included in tuition somewhere. But as a student, for no additional cost, you can sign up for private music lessons. My parents spent a pretty penny on lessons while I was growing up, so now I am excited to take advantage of the “no extra fee lessons.”

When I was a wee tot, I took piano lessons. I actually took lessons for many years, and I unfortunately never found the passion for piano or for the practicing that it required. I then took up the flute in 5th grade and played throughout middle and high school. I can still play a pretty mean Disney Princess song on the flute. But now, I miss the piano. I watch my friends move their fingers across the keys with ease, and I am jealous of the music they are able to create.

Fortunately for me (and for you!), we can sign up for an extra 1 credit piano lesson class. Lessons for many other instruments are offered as well.

How do you sign up?

First, you connect with the music department. Talk to the friendly professors in the music department. They were so helpful in connecting me with piano teachers as well as with the Registrar’s Office which helped me schedule these lessons.

Now that I am signed up, I go to a 30 minute lesson once a week and learn how to play the piano. I read music and have a basic knowledge of the piano, so it has been fun to learn some simple pieces and have an excuse to learn something just for fun. Sometimes I still struggle to make it to the music building to practice, but the good thing is that I enjoy practicing now. My teacher is patient and fun. She doesn’t care that I’m not a music major and not on the path to becoming a pianist. She is helping me become comfortable with the piano. It will take time and patience to achieve this comfort, but I am on my way!

And then, when I am old and gray and am looking to fill my home with beautiful sounds, I can thank Furman for encouraging me to pursue this “secret skill I wish I had.”

Have a Great Week

As always, please feel free to email me with questions or comments! I would love to hear from you and answer anything pressing questions you might have.


And just because I love to talk about the weather: Today, Furman is covered in snow.


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