From the Northeast

I grew up in the Northeast (specifically in Southern New Jersey) and have always loved it. I walk fast and talk fast, I honk my car horn constantly, and I love cheesesteaks and constantly question where the good Italian food, bagels, and Wawas are in the South. But let me tell you the top 5 reasons why I now love the South and look forward to spending the rest of my life down here!

  1. The people. I tell you the truth: there are no people in this world like the Southern people. They are the most incredible, genuinely lovely people I’ve ever encountered. The cashiers in the grocery school (which here is Publix, not Wegmans by the way) actually ask you about your day…and want an answer. You can’t make this stuff up
  2. The hospitality. My beautiful Southern friends have about the most delightful, welcoming families I’ve ever encountered. Truly. A few months ago, I called my friend Caroline’s mother (we call her Mooma) and asked if I could come to stay with the family (sans Caroline) during one of my graduate school visits. Not only did she say yes, and drive me to the graduate school to show me where to park and help me find the room I would be interviewing in, she also whipped up a home cooked dinner, and took me to the movies to celebrate the visit!  This is the same family that has hosted me for Easter since freshman year, and who I consider my Southern family.
  3. The food. Yes, I love my Italian food and always will, and yes, these Southerners have absolutely no idea how to make a pizza or a proper hoagie. But where else is macaroni and cheese (my favorite food) considered a vegetable? The grits, fried chicken (fried everything, rather) and numerous casseroles are delicious. They are. Also, realize that almost occasions include all kinds of heavy, crispy, happy food. All of them. New Years Eve. 4th of July. Arbor Day.
  4. The weather. It’s February and today it was 60 degrees. My friend Katie wore shorts all day. Tomorrow the high is 66. Need I say more?
  5. The joy for life. There’s just something about these Southern people that raises within them a warm and loving spirit. This goes along with reasons 1 and 2, but it deserves its own category because it’s truly remarkable and mysteriously absent in the Northeast.


I may not be from the South, but I got here as fast as I could!


Here I am with Mooma!


Love my Southern mom!


“Welcome Home” sign at my friend Caroline’s house


Mooma, Caroline and I at “home” in Columbia!

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