Food, Fakes, Tourism, and Environment: New Posts, With Gratitude

Students in the 2015 Debunking the Myths of China First Year Seminar have completed their work creating, editing, commenting on, and revising their blog posts.

Food was the most popular category for posts this year. Posts include Talk Noodle to Me, Sweet and Sour America, and a series of posts on American-influenced foods coming to China (Americanized Chinese Food Invades China, The Golden Arches March into China, and The Colonel Infiltrates China).

Three posts explore counterfeit products, environmental issues, and tourism. These include iPhony: Fake Products Produced in China Hurting World Economy, Is China Polluting Environmental Activism?, and Chinese Village Tourism.
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Debunking the Myths of China

Welcome to the China Myths blog. The Furman University First Year Seminar: Debunking Myths of China uses this space to share research and information about China, delving deeper into topics than standard news coverage and linking to further resources. We welcome your comments and contributions.

Dr. Tami Blumenfield

Assistant Professor of Asian Studies
Furman University