Danai Agakidou #seniorinDINial

  1. Name: Athina Danai Agakidou
  2. Hometown: Thessaloniki, Greece
  3. Graduation Year: 2017
  4. Major: Chemistry
  5. Name one student organization you are a part of: I am a proud member of Furman Creative Collaborative (FCC) and Admission Ambassadors. I’m the president of FCC, an organization whose mission is to promote creativity and community on campus, and one of our signature events is our own TEDxFurmanU conference every spring. I am also the vice president of Admission Ambassadors, an organization that reminds me why I love Furman on a daily basis, and has given me a ton of networking opportunities with students around campus as well as prospective students.
  6. What is your favorite CLP you’ve attended and why: My favorite CLP was the first one I attended my freshman year, called “The art of pencil sharpening” by David Rees. I walked around campus the first week and saw so many flyers for this event and I thought “there is absolutely no way this guy is going to talk about sharpening pencils, this is a metaphor for something”. JOKE’S ON ME. This event was 100% instructional on how to properly sharpen your pencils, but he did it in such a hilarious way, and I laughed so much, that it quickly made the top of my list. Also, this CLP was brought in by FCC, so it was the first thing that drew me to one of my favorite things I’ve been involved with on campus. Also, all of the theater plays never fail to impress me, and I love getting CLP credit for supporting my friends while being entertained!
  7. Name 3 things in your residence hall/apartment that you couldn’t live without
    1. My American flag
    2. My ACS periodic table of elements blanket
    3. My perfume (I am obsessed with smells)
  8. What’s your favorite class you’re taking this semester? History of Western Medicine is by far my favorite class I’m taking. I only took it because my sophomore fall I had to take a history class for my GER credit, and I ended up taking History of Modern Europe with Dr Day. I hated learning history before I took this class, but Dr Day’s passion and enthusiasm just made me love the class. On top of that, I ended up being really good at it, and she told me I gave her the best answer she’s seen in my final answering an essay question about WWI. Anyways, I had a gap in my schedule and purposely ditched every other option I had in order to take Dr Day’s History of Western Medicine class. It’s been a lot of fun- I mean we are learning about leprosy and the plague, and Dr Day’s anecdotes just make it so much more interesting and enjoyable!
  9. Where can we find you on a Saturday afternoon? On an average Saturday afternoon, you’d find me cooking in my apartment. I find cooking to be extremely relaxing, and I can be creative with it so it’s like my me time.
  10. What part of campus/Greenville feels most like home to you? The Hartness Welcome center is my favorite place of this campus. I definitely feel the groups of ambassadors are my family, and the admission building is my home. Plus, there’s always coffee, hot chocolate, and cookies there, so it’s a PRETTY GREAT HOME!
  11. What are you most looking forward to this year? Applying to Chemistry graduate school and figuring out my future!
  12. Describe Furman in 5 words. Community, serenity, passion, family, dependable.
  13. What’s your favorite meal served on campus? CHICKEN TENDERS (on chicken tender Tuesday)!!!
  14. Name the last song you listened to: Take me home, country roads (I’m tryna be southern, okay?)
  15. Recommend a movie, a book, or a TV show we should all be reading/watching: Okay, confession time: I started watching the Office the last week of August because I had never watched the whole thing, and last month I finished watching it. I FINISHED WATCHING ALL 9 SEASONS OF THE OFFICE WITHIN 1.5 MONTHS. And I’m about to start watching Arrested Development for the second time. Everyone needs to watch both of these shows because
    1. They are really easy to watch
    2. They have very clever humor based on continuity
    3. Episodes are literally 20 minutes; you can watch at least one in a day while taking a break. Or you can watch multiple episodes and finish a season in a day (I will NOT admit that I’ve done this).
  16. If you were a gif, which one would you be? http://i.imgur.com/dITfJcR.gif

Remember to also follow my adventures on Instagram using #seniorinDINial!

PS: I might have dressed up as Tina from Bob’s burgers for Halloween 2016…

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