
Zhang, You, Xin Liu, Rufeng Xiao, and Zengwei Yuan. “Life Cycle Assessment of Cotton T-shirts in China.” The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment20, no. 7 (2015): 994-1004. Accessed February 19, 2019. doi:10.1007/s11367-015-0889-4.

This article analyzes the cycle of cotton t-shirts in China. It focuses specifically on China because China is the largest producer and exporter in the world. The article’s aim is to study the environmental impacts associated with cotton t-shirts in China with the goal of using the results to improve the sustainability of textiles. The researchers found that cotton cultivation, dyeing, making-up, and use-phases are the main contributors to the environmental impacts associated with cotton t-shirts. Finally, the article identifies environmental impact hotspots in relation to t-shirt production and offers a few solutions that target the hotspots.

I chose this article because I think it will be very useful to me for my discussion on the environmental impacts of t-shirts. Cotton t-shirts in particular are the most common, and also, I know cotton as a fabric can be relatively unsustainable. While this article does only discuss China and is not global, I still believe it is relevant because China is an important and large producer and exporter, and I think it would be more helpful to look at t-shirt production in the place where most t-shirts are produced. I hope to use the environmental impact hotspots pointed out in the article to frame my discussion on specific harmful areas in the production and use of t-shirts. Lastly, the article includes several tables and graphics that I think will also be beneficial to my analysis.