Tag: On Display
On Display: Kindness
I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again. – William Penn
Ladies in the Lab
A new display in the Sanders Science Library celebrates ladies in the laboratory. Titles include: Lab Girl Rise of the rocket girls : the women who propelled us, from missiles to the moon to Mars Women Scientists: Reflections, Challenges, and Breaking Boundaries The Madame Curie Complex: The Hidden History of Women in Science African American…
International Education Week
2016 International Education Week Celebration! NOVEMBER 14-18, 2016 International Education Week, a nationally observed celebration presented by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, aims to highlight the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. Universities, colleges, K-12 schools, non-profit organizations, and local governments are encouraged to participate by hosting events…
For the Love of the Cello
A new display in the Maxwell Music Library celebrates the cello. Titles include: Topless cellist : the improbable life of Charlotte Moorman The world of music according to Starker Rostropovich : the musical life of the great cellist, teacher, and legend Gregor Piatigorsky : the life and career of the virtuoso cellist Emanuel Feuermann (ebook)…
On Display: Peace Corps
A new display in the James B. Duke Library highlights the Peace Corps. Titles include: Nine hills to Nambonkaha : two years in the heart of an African village When the world calls : the inside story of the Peace Corps and its first fifty years The village of waiting Going up country : travel essays…
On Display: New Books!
Currently on display in the James B. Duke Library is a selection of new books. Titles include: Under the stars : how America fell in love with camping The Jazz Palace : a novel Sleeping giants Decisive : how to make better choices in life and work Before the fall I left it on the mountain…
On Display: Books to Film
Currently on display in the James B. Duke Library is a selection of books and their corresponding movie adaptations. Titles include: Pride and Prejudice Pride & Prejudice (DVD) Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet (DVD) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (DVD) Gone with the Wind Gone with…
Alumni Collections
We are Furman: Alumni Collections in Special Collections and Archives 2nd Floor James B. Duke Library Furman University July-December 2016 Students, past and present, are what the university is all about. Students will forever fill a role—whether they are current students or long graduated. Alumni are life blood of a university and “Furman’s blood runs deep.” Special…
On Display: Food and Cooking
Currently on display in the James B. Duke Library is a selection of books about food and cooking. Titles are arranged by category and include: Ancient Cookery The philosopher’s kitchen: recipes from ancient Greece and Rome for the modern cook The Roman cookery book Church Lady Cookbooks 300 years of Carolina cooking Dessert cookbook Food History…
On Display: Around the World
Visit the James B. Duke Library to browse our latest display based on the question, “What in the world should you read next?” Titles include: Africa Nervous Conditions (Former Rhodesia) Wife of the Gods (Ghana) Children of the Alley (Egypt) The Golden Notebook (Former Rhodesia) Asia Interpreter of Maladies: Stories (India) The Vegetarian: A Novel (South…