Category: Research Services

  • The CRAAP Test

      Evaluating Your Sources: The Basics Learn to look critically at everything. Determining the quality of your resources is ultimately your responsibility, so if you have any doubts (and you should often doubt!) investigate it further. Some criteria are essential to consider for all types of sources you consider using. These include CURRENCY, RELEVANCE, AUTHORITY, ACCURACY, and…

  • How to Successfully Surf a MeSH Pit

    No, sorry, your librarians are not experts in surfing mosh pits. However, we can offer helpful tips for searching PubMed using MeSH terms. This video demonstrates how to use the MeSH, or Medical Subject Headings, database to create a targeted PubMed search. MeSH is the controlled vocabulary used for indexing PubMed citations. If you have questions or…

  • US Navy Vessel Captured by North Korea

    Over the last few months, tensions between the United States and North Korea have been high. Fifty years ago, the two countries faced a crisis that found nearly half of the US public expecting war. On January 23, 1968, the US Navy intelligence-gathering vessel Pueblo was fired upon and captured by North Korea, which claimed it had…

  • A librarian in your pocket!

    Got a question and a cell phone? Text your librarian at (864) 214-7172.

  • Newly Activated Database Trials

    The Furman University Libraries are offering a selection of database trials through February 9. To discover and access trial databases, visit the library’s guide for Electronic Resources Trials. Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies is a listing of publications created by presidential advisory bodies, and will be useful to researchers interested in U.S. history, political…

  • While Librarians are sleeping

    While Librarians are sleeping (Or at least the library is closed) Did you know that for some research-related questions, you can get library help in the middle of the night? The library has a collection of answers to some of the most frequently asked research assistance questions, like “how can I find peer-reviewed journal articles?”…

  • Artstor Additions

    New Content in Artstor If you are curious at all about the new content that Artstor adds on a regular basis, be sure to check out the Artstor blog.  A quick review reveals amazing treasures: restoration projects of Mexican architectural landmarks Japanese and South Korean contemporary architecture new images from the Corning Museum of Glass…

  • Is this article peer-reviewed?

    “Refereed” (also called “peer-reviewed) means that the articles in the journal are evaluated by a group of experts in the field. These experts must approve the articles before they are allowed to be published. These publications have a much higher level of scholarship and are far more trustworthy than non-refereed journals or magazines. To help…

  • New Databases!

    The following three new resources can be found in the All Databases list: Detroit Free Press 1831‐1999 Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: ProQuest Historical Newspapers Searchable full image of every page of the Detroit Free Press, including all advertisements, from 1831 until 1999. NAACP Papers: Board of Directors, Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, and National Staff Files…

  • Independent Voices

    We now have access to Independent Voices through our All Databases page. Independent Voices is a digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the…