Category: Exhibits
50 Years Since Stonewall Riots
June 28, 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots Written by Robyn Andrews In the early hours of June 28, 1969, New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. the raid sparked a riot among bar patrons and neighborhood residents as police…
Picturing Nature
Art has long been incredibly important to the development of science. The current exhibit in the Sanders Science Library, “Picturing Nature: The History of Scientific Illustration,” highlights a sampling of the books in our collection that chronicle the history of anatomical sketches, botanical paintings, and biological drawings. The Art of Natural History: Illustrated Treatises and…
Interactive Books on Display
Recent Acquisitions in Book Arts, Fine Printing, and Artists’ Books Special Collections and Archives have always been interested in the form of the book as a physical object and the ways in which authors, publishers, artists, and printers collaborate to create printed works, in large and small quantities. Artists’ books use the form of the…
88 Keys: A Grand Obsession
Visit the Maxwell Music Library to see the latest display called “88 Keys: A Grand Obsession.” Titles include: Piano: The Making of a Steinway Concert Grand – In this captivating narrative, James Barron of The New York Times tells the story of one Steinway piano, from raw lumber to finished instrument. Barron follows that brand-new piano-known…
Overlooked No More
Since 1851, The New York Times has published thousands of obituaries, capturing the lives and legacies of people who have influenced the world in which we live. But many important figures were left out. These remarkable black men and women never received obituaries in The New York Times – until now. Their stories have been…
She Loves Me
The latest display in the Maxwell Music Library features the Furman University Lyric Theatre’s presentation of “She Loves Me.” Mark your calendars for this CLP on Thursday, Feb. 14, and Saturday, Feb. 16, at 8 p.m. in McAlister Auditorium An intimate and touching show, “She Loves Me” features music by Jerry Bock and Sheldon…
Is your FU upside down?
The Chinese character 福, fu (pronounced “foo”), means ‘good fortune.’ A popular custom during Chinese New Year is to hang the character upside down as a play on words. The word for “upside down” is a homophone of “to arrive” in nearly all forms of Chinese. This pun means that good fortune is arriving! One of the…
Raging Against Aging
A new display in the Sanders Science Library highlights aging and longevity. Titles include: Chips, clones, and living beyond 100 : how far will the biosciences take us? Ending aging : the rejuvenation breakthroughs that could reverse human aging in our lifetime Long for this world : the strange science of immortality The long tomorrow…
Furman Church Music Conference
Visit the Maxwell Music Library to browse the latest exhibit which celebrates church music and organ playing. Materials on display include: More Great Hymns of the Church – The Choirs of Cathedral of St. Paul, Buffalo, Directed by Bruce Neswick The King of Instruments: How Churches Came to Have Organs Church Music in the United States:…
Festival of Lessons and Carols
Visit the Maxwell Music Library to see the latest display which highlights recordings of the Furman Chamber Choir’s annual Festival of Lessons and Carols.