Furman Library News

Open Access Workshops: Tue & Thur

Open Access Publishing
Open Access options are appearing in journals and books across disciplines. This workshop will introduce various types of Open Access, address benefits and potential drawbacks to Open Access publishing, and discuss special considerations when considering Open Access options. The new Furman University Libraries Open Access Fund will also be addressed.

Where: James B. Duke Library Room 041
When: Tuesday, Oct 25, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Open Educational Resources
A recent study found that college textbook costs have increased a staggering 945% between 1978 and 2014. Moreover, research indicates that if students cannot afford course materials, 65% of them will avoid renting or buying texts even though they know it may possibly impact their overall success in the course. Open Educational Resources (OERs) offer a solution to this problem. Come learn more about what OERs are, evaluation considerations, and where to find them.

Where: James B. Duke Library Room 041
When: Thursday, Oct 27, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
