Furman Library News

Summer Orientation Hours

Library hours during Summer Orientation are as follows:

Friday June 17 8am-5pm
Saturday June 18 9am-5pm
Sunday June 19 1pm-5pm
Monday June 20 8am-10pm
Tuesday June 21 8am-10pm
Wednesday June 22 8am-10pm
Thursday June 23 8am-10pm
Friday June 24 8am-5pm
Saturday June 25 9am-5pm
Sunday June 26 9am-5pm
Monday June 27 8am-10pm
Tuesday June 28 8am-10pm
Wednesday June 29 8am-10pm

The Research Assistance Desk will be staffed from 11am-3pm Monday – Friday. If you need help at another time, please feel free to walk behind the desk and find us in our offices or email us at libraryreference@furman.edu.