Furman Library News

Study Day Photos

Check out some of the pictures from “Study Day Recharge.”  We had a great turnout for the healthy grub and massage sessions.

Study Day Recharge 1
First in line!

Study Day Recharge 2Study Day Recharge 3Study Day Recharge 4Study Day Recharge 5Study Day Recharge 6

Might as well study while you wait for a massage.
Might as well study while you wait for a massage.
Study Day Recharge! Brought to you by: Furman Libraries Culinary Club Department of Health Sciences
Study Day Recharge!
Brought to you by:
Furman Libraries
Furman Culinary Club
Department of Health Sciences

We hope you’re feeling less stressed and ready for your exams.  Have a wonderful break and we’ll see you in the New Year!

For recipes and more pictures visit the Live Well Furman blog.