Furman Library News

American Presidency Project

Established in 1999 at the University of California, Santa Barbara, The American Presidency Project is an online resource that has consolidated over 100,000 documents related to the study of the Presidency.  This searchable database includes: 

The Public Papers of the Presidents: Hoover – G.W. Bush (1929-2007) & Obama (2009)
The Messages and Papers of the Presidents: Washington – Taft (1789-1913)
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents: Carter – G.W. Bush (1977-2009)
The Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents: Obama (2009-2012)

Their archives also contain thousands of other documents such as party platforms, candidates’ remarks, Statements of Administration Policy, documents released by the Office of the Press Secretary, and election debates.  Other items of interest include: 

The Ten Most Viewed Presidential Documents (since 7/1/13)
1.   John F. Kennedy
      Inaugural Address
2.   Republican Party Platforms
      Republican Party Platform of 1956
3.   George H. W. Bush
      Executive Order 12803 – Infrastructure Privatization
4.   John F. Kennedy
      Executive Order 10990
5.   Ronald Reagan
      Remarks on Signing the Bill Making the Birthday of Martin Luther King,
      Jr., a National Holiday
6.   George W. Bush
      Address to the Nation on the Terrorist Attacks
7.   Barack Obama
      Executive Order 13603 – National Defense Resources Preparedness
8.   Republican Party Platforms
      2012 Republican Party Platform
9.   Democratic Party Platforms
      2012 Democratic Party Platform
10.  Ronald Reagan
      Inaugural Address

Length of State of the Union Messages and Addresses (in words)  

from Washington – Obama

U.S. Presidents have used State of the Union addresses to outline proposals for the country with as few as 1,089 words (George Washington, 1790) and as many as 33,667 (Jimmy Carter, 1981).

List of Acknowledged Guests Sitting in the House Gallery During State of the Union Addresses

Barack Obama  
February 12, 2013

Nate and Cleo Pendleton:  The parents of Hadiya Pendleton, a majorette who performed with her classmates at the President’s second inauguration.  Hadiya was killed by gunfire in a Chicago park just a week after the inauguration.

Menchu Sanchez:  A New York City nurse who cared for 20 newborn children during Hurricane Sandy.

Desiline Victor:  A 102 year-old woman from North Miami who waited six hours to vote in the 2012 election.

Brian Murphy:  A police officer from Wisconsin who was a first responder to a shooting at a Sikh temple.  He continued to fight the shooters and was shot 12 times.
