Eleventh Hour – CLP April 17

The Eleventh Hour:  Readings for National Poetry Month

April 17, 2013 @ 4:30 pm

James B. Duke Library, Pitts Room


To acknowledge National Poetry Month in April, four well-respected and widely-published poets will each read a brief selection from his/her submission for the 2012 South Carolina Poetry Archives Book Prize.  The poets represented are the winner and three semifinalists for the 2012 Book Prize: Warren Slesinger, Phebe Davidson, Skip Eisiminger, and Ed Madden.  Gil Allen will offer short introductions for each reader.  Since the poets have distinctive styles, those in attendance will hear an appealing assortment of contemporary American poetry. 

Warren Slesinger was recently awarded the 2012 South Carolina Poetry Archives Book Prize for his new book, The Evening Light, which has just been published by the Ninety-Six Press.  A longtime resident of Beaufort, South Carolina, Slesinger has worked as an editor, marketing manager, or sales manager at several publishers, including the University of South Carolina Press.  He edited the anthologies Spreading the Word: Editors on Poetry and The Whole Story: Editors on Fiction, both from The Bench Press.  He has received both an Ingram Merrill Grant and the South Carolina Literary Arts Fellowship.  His poems have appeared in The American Poetry Review, The Georgia Review, The Iowa Review, New Letters, The Sewanee Review, The South Carolina Review, Southern Humanities Review, and many other fine journals.

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