Finding Furry Friends on College Campuses

Have you ever heard of the saying: “love is a four-legged word”? If this phrase leaves you baffled, perhaps my blog is not the right place for you. Heading off to college, one of my greatest concerns was that my pup wouldn’t be joining me for this new chapter of my life. As dogs can help reduce stress and can aide in homesickness, it is my thought that every college kid should have access to a plethora of pups. This however, is easier said than done.

If you are a seasoned veteran to Coffee and a Beagle, you might know that I attend Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. One of my favorite aspects of Furman is its picturesque landscaping and greenery, and judging from the immense amount of visitors that stop by campus every day, I am not the only one who feels this way. Seasoned visitors who walk around the lake every day are often known to bring their family: all of their family including their pup. Having these dogs on campus every day always brings a smile to my face though it got me thinking: just how many dogs can be found on one given day?


I decided to take this question and put it to the test. Setting out with a friend and a camera in my hand I decided to document every dog that I passed in order to get an estimate of how many dogs I can spot in just one loop around the scenic Furman lake. If you are interested in viewing this little experiment, check it out here! Here are some sneak peeks:



Aside from the four-legged visitors Furman gets daily, the University also recently implemented the program ‘Paws to Unwind’. This program brings in puppies from the Greenville Humane Society to campus every first Thursday of the month in order to help students de-stress and boost moods.


So, if you are a college student or college-bound in the fall, make sure to check out all the programs your university has so as to not miss out on any doggone fun! If they don’t have any specific programs, take a walk around campus: I’m sure you will be guaranteed to find at least one dog on your walk!