Zibo Wang
A long, long time ago, the early humans lived in harmony with nature, food was plentiful, and water was clear. Humans could reach a maximum lifespan of 450 years. That was the golden age of men; life for everyone was good. But then the waste nation attacked with ferocity, led by the Waste King himself, and everything changed. Water was polluted, species went extinct, many habitats were destroyed, and hope was lost. But legend has it, a chosen hero master of all four recycling ways can stopp the Waste King. Many years had passed; there is no sign of such man; all seems lost…….
Until today: a mysterious woman emerged out of nowhere….
Her name is Maryse Suzan, a strong, independent woman with a mysterious past. She walked into the town seeing no one on the street. It was sacrifice day, where every town folk is forced to watch in the city center. “Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga,” Dr. Plastic said, “ witness this innocent girl die by plastic poisoning.” He is preparing to shove a handful of plastic down her throat, but he was interrupted by a flying trash can. “Looks like someone needs a good repurposing,” says Maryse as she leaps towards Dr. Plastic. She punches him in the gut and pulls out a shredding machine, then, shoving him inside, shreds him into pieces that can be repurposed for many things like jewelry or lumber. She left without a word because she knows she has many more things to do on her journey to defeat the Waste King.
Maryse Suzan is used to camping outside; physical comfort has no effect on her determination. But when she looks up into the heavily polluted sky, a flash of the past creeps in to her mind. “Yes, the day my whole family died had a similar sky,” she said to herself. Maryse was not always like this; she used to be a normal child with a loving family until the age of four. Her mom died from lung cancer that year due to the heavily polluted air. And that same winter her dad died trying to feed the family hunting. There was nothing left in the forest due to the rapid destruction of habitat cause by the Waste King. That day she became the chosen one. A young Maryse filled with grief and a need to recycle unlocked the secret to the four ways of recycling. She will stop the Waste King.
This is the Waste capital, a city of great industrial prowess, but it is also a city of death and sickness. Maryse knows what has to be done. She went straight toward the Waste King. The Waste King taunted her, but she did not say a word. Death of her family flashes before her eyes. “Super-recycle slam!” she screamed. To her surprise, nothing happened. The Waste King laughed, “I am not a simple being you can destroy. I am humanity in many ways.” She realized that is true, and the environment can only be saved by everyone doing their part. So she left and became an environmental speaker. And that is the story of my great-grandmother.