From hiking to hanging-for the nature lovers

We here at the Greenbelt are often mistaken for hippies as many of my peers have mentioned. However, I’m here to confess to a bit of a hippie-esque hobby of mine. I love to hike.

This happens to be a great thing for where we live though, here at Furman because there are lots of places to go hiking nearby. In fact, this past summer I discovered that, there is indeed an app for that. It is called AllTrails and if you are also an avid hiker, this will be your new favorite app. It is great because it shows you all the trails near you, listed from nearest to farthest. It even includes all those obscure ones that you might not know about without having done intense research that no one has time for. In addition, each trail description is rated from easy to hard, includes pictures people took on the trail and has reviews from fellow hikers! And the thing I loved about it is that it goes with you when you’re traveling, adjusting for where you go.

Or even if hiking isn’t your thing, there are still lots of places to go just bask in the nature of it all. For example, if you’ve never been to Paris Mountain in the fall, you didn’t really go to Furman. It is surely one of the easiest places to go walking and hang out and maybe have a picnic with your friends. Or if you’re up for making a day out of it, you could drive up to Bald Rock, take that perfect insta photo at sunset and then chill out and have a campfire with your friends (Disclaimer: via personal experience I know that it gets very very cold at Bald Rock in the winter so layer up and if you need to improvise, socks will indeed keep your hands quite warm).

Regardless of how you choose to get your dose of nature, I’m a big proponent of the idea that the outdoors is good for the soul. That right there is my motivation to save it. My motivation to live a more sustainable life. So I’m here to encourage you to grab a friend and spend some quality time with the trees.

See you on the trails,

Noa Camp

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