What’s next?

“What’s next?” This famous question is one all seniors should expect to answer at least once a day, if not once an hour… Last week, I attended a networking event called Furman Connections, hosted by the Career Services Center. Having never attended an event like this, my stomach seemed to tie up in knots as I entered the event to find a room full of people who looked like they had it all together. They wore their suits and high heels confidently and shook hands like I was taught in manners class.

I sheepishly approached the first man I saw and immediately felt at peace even as I stuffed a chicken nugget in my mouth just when he happened to ask about my future plans. I felt prepared. From remembering that my mother told me to never talk with my mouth full, or that my public speaking professor told me to always make eye contact and speak with passion, I felt prepared. I felt prepared to answer questions about who I am and who I want to be. And you may think I’m being paid to say this, but I can honestly say I would not have felt prepared freshman year.

The past three and a half years at Furman have taught me confidence. They have taught me to figure out who I am and unapologetically be that person. They have taught me to communicate all of this clearly and to never shy away from difficult conversation. They have taught me to go after my dreams and not be afraid when one door closes. They have taught me that growth often comes from challenge and that sometimes, you can learn a lot from people that are very different than you.

As I have started applying and interviewing for programs for next year, I have been filled with pride to have spent my past four years at Furman. I am forever grateful for the people who have challenged me, the conversations that have stretched me, the activities that have pushed me, and the community that has supported me. While I am excited for the future and whatever it holds, there is still a dread in me. My time at Furman is coming to an end. I have already experienced my last real summer, my last first day of class, my last homecoming as a student, and there are more to come. Now, I don’t want to be that senior who makes you depressed by her countdown to graduation every chance she gets. But rather, this year has encouraged me to reflect on what my time at Furman has meant.

And all of this learning and growing and molding has shaped me into this person. This senior who doesn’t have it all figured out but sometimes tries to act like she does. This dreamer who is simply trying to follow her heart and trust that she does not need to be in control. This listener who is gleaning wisdom and celebrating the small victories each day.

So, what’s next? I do not know, but I do know that I have not been disappointed so far.

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