Homecoming and Furmanland

So far, my first year at Furman has been amazing. Not only have I made friendships that’ll last a lifetime, but I’ve also made many memories and experienced new things, including Homecoming! As part of the Engaged Living Program (EL), I was able to participate in the Homecoming competition along with the rest of the EL students. It was definitely a heavy time commitment- we spent hours working on our float and we rehearsed our skit the week before for almost two hours every night- but it was well worth it when our float was finished and our skit won first place!

Since our theme was “Alice in Wonderland”, we decided to incorporate a lot of Furman survival tips as well as inside jokes into our skit. Here are a few of them:

1. Expect to see more prom and wedding dresses than you’ve ever seen before.
2. Lakeside is a maze. You will get lost.
3. Don’t ever go into Townes or McBee; that’s where the crazy EL kids live 😉
4. The DH cookies are delicious. They will also make you gain the Freshman 50 if you’re not careful!
5. Pumpkin Spice Lattes save lives.
6. ANYONE can pull off spirit jerseys and norts.
7. Never underestimate the power of brotherly handshakes.
8. When in doubt, just say, “YAAASSS”.
9. O-Staffers are the real MVPs, tutus and all.
10. We paint up in PURPLE. Not red.

Our skit may have won first place, but the best part about participating in it was getting to work with my fellow Engaged Living classmates. They are such a great group of people! Here’s a picture with all of us in front of our float!

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