At the annual awards ceremony held at Furman on 12th April,2010, the following Earth and Environmental Sciences students were recognized. Congratulations to all three of them!
2010 Earth and Environmental Sciences Research Award Winner – Gwyn Fowler

This award recognizes a senior that has completed an outstanding original research project and shows great promise for a career as a scientist. Gwyn Fowler’s passion towards research brought her to the RBRI program in 2008, and subsequently she received grants from the Furman Advantage and Geological Society of America. Her investigation of the geomorphic controls over nitrate concentrations in urban headwater streams of the South Carolina Piedmont has enhanced our understanding of how urban streams work. A talented musician as well as a bright young researcher, Gwyn has received a full scholarship to attend Clemson and is awaiting decisions from other Universities.
2010 Earth and Environmental Sciences Scholar Award Winner – Jeff Hennesey

This award recognizes the senior student that is deemed by the faculty to be the outstanding EES scholar in the graduating class. Jeff Hennesey models the liberal arts tradition with his enthusiastic and cheerful blend of Earth and environmental science and policy. Jeff excels in both the classroom and in independent research. His investigation for Upstate Forever of greenhouse gas emissions for the region in relation to growth was a major contribution and represents the kind of collaboration with the local community to which Furman aspires.
2010 Environmental Studies Concentration Scholar Award Winner – Katie Shultz
This award recognizes a student that is deemed the outstanding scholar in the Environmental Studies Concentration. Katie Shultz certainly can be considered outstanding as a scholar, but she is also known for her passion for and commitment to sustainability and environmental issues both on and off campus. Katie is the rare outstanding scholar that transforms her ideas into action. Active in the Environmental Action Group and other campus organizations, Katie is proactive in using her knowledge to develop creative approaches to problems of sustainability at both the local and global scales.