ECOS students win a national video contest!

The GLP Films’ Student Film Project is an annual contest that invites students to pick up a camera and create their own short films documenting sustainability-related stories in their school, home, or community.  This year three EES / SUS students (Tim Sharp, Josie Newton, and Melanie Brown) in the Engaged Living ECOS program submitted a film “Gardening for Good” that they made as part of their FYS 1126 course (Sustainability) with Dr. Dripps. Their film won the college division! Congrats to these three – the film can viewed here or by clicking on the image below.


College – "Gardening for Good" Josie Newton, Tim Sharp, Melanie Brown, Furman University


Other winners are:

Middle School – "Parras Grades of Green" Lilly Sprangler, Parras Middle School

High School – "ECO2School" Samantha Perry and Jasmine Jolly, Maria Carrillo High School

Making Sense of Hurricane Sandy?

Image from NASA

There is no better time for this. We are just starting the topic of hurricanes and severe weather in our “EES 113: Natural Hazards and Natural Disasters” class and we got a perfect storm for case study.  Following are some resources that has been compiled to help understand why hurricane Sandy is so powerful and so feared.

  1. How do hurricanes form? – a nice BBC video clip that explains the basics
  2. Hurricane Sandy from Space – Incredible time-series animations of evolution of Sandy from Wired Science
  3. Full moon and Frankenstorm – how moon affects storm surge?
  4. Live – Hurricane track with various hazards marked map
  5. Why Sandy is so dangerous (nice video that goes over good details)
  6. Havoc as storms come ashore – NYT article with lots of photos
  7. Map showing wind speeds along Sandy’s path
  8. NPR News – All things considered
  9. Science of Sandy (NPR piece, not really science that you may be looking for)
  10. Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change – nice article from Huffington Post
  11. Hurricane Sandy swallows presidential campaign
  12. Sandy’s impact on election is uncertain
  13. Obama and Romney respond to Sandy
  14. New York State – a declared major disaster area

Feel free to contact Dr. Suresh Muthukrishnan with any questions or comments.