They got married on September 5, 2010. Congratulations Tim and Claire!
Tim is completing Masters degree in Geology at the University of Wyoming, Laramie. Tim’s Web Page
Earth, Environmental, and Sustainability Sciences Blog
For Current News and Happenings
They got married on September 5, 2010. Congratulations Tim and Claire!
Tim is completing Masters degree in Geology at the University of Wyoming, Laramie. Tim’s Web Page
Bartram Society organized their annual fall camping trip in September. The group chose Big Creek Campsite in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park located in western edge of NC. In spite of rain most of the weekend, they survived and in fact enjoyed the rain by hiking, swimming, cooking, and above all eating bugs! Yeah! It seems like this is an upscale thing to do in New York! Click on the cartoon to the left to see an article on this.
Click on the photo (on the right) to see the entire album.
This program will begin with intensive six-week course work at Furman, followed by a five-week residential experience at Madras Christian College (MCC) in Chennai, India. This will then be capped with a 4 week travel program from south to north India. The Fall 2011 courses offer an array of closely connected and interdisciplinary pursuits including, but not limited to, the natural environment, natural resources, population dynamics, urbanization, natural and anthropogenic hazards, gender, developmental psychology, poverty, health, culture, and sustainability.
An ancient landslide dominates the landscape in this beautiful tea plantation along the Western Ghats (mountain) ranges of India. As one travels from Tamil Nadu (east) to Kerala (west), one can experience significant changes in the climate, vegetation, and culture. With abundant rainfall from monsoon, and relative inaccessibility, this region maintains it’s reputation as one of the top biodiversity hotspots in the world. We will learn about the origin of these mountains, agricultural practices (spice plantations!), natural hazards, health and educational issues, and sustainability challenges facing the people of this region.
An oblique aerial view of the neighboring city and large river valley from top of the hill where an ancient temple sits. South India is famous for it’s rich culture, and temples with unique architecture and exquisite statues. Geologically, the rocks used to build these temples are some of the oldest rocks one can find in India.
On a Remote Fijian Island, a Global and Local Community Lives. Come join the Furman tribe on Vorovoro for in May 2011! Tribe Wanted is a sustainable development experiment that meshes sustainable living with community building and cultural adventure on a made-to-order castaway isle: 200 acres, surrounded by reefs, fronted by golden sand beaches, and shrouded in jungle. It sits a short boat ride from world-class surf breaks and the Great Sea Reef, which covers 77,000 square miles and is reputedly the third largest reef system in the world.
Be a part of this experience of a lifetime. Join 18 fellow Furman students and two EES faculty (Dr. Amelie Davis and Dr. Weston Dripps) as we venture to this remote South Pacific island for two weeks to experience "off the grid" eco-living while conducting basic scientific research in ecological, social and economic sustainability on the island. For more information contact Dr. Davis or Dr. Dripps.
Visit the following site for more information: