Professional Development Lectures

The Value of A Liberal Arts Education
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost George Shields and Dean of Faculty Ken Peterson discuss the impact a liberal arts education can have on students and the special role Furman plays within liberal arts culture. Watch the video lecture.

Why Does Higher Education Cost so Much?
The second in the series on issues in higher education, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Mary Lou Merkt will explain all of the factors that make higher education so expensive. Mary Lou and her team will cover costs we can control and those we cannot. There will be a question and answer session following the presentation.
Watch the video lecture.

The Pros and Cons of Division I Athletics
Athletics Director Mike Buddie analyzes the national athletics landscape in comparison with Furman’s athletics landscape. Watch the video lecture.

Understanding Today’s College Students
Vice President for Student Life Connie Carson and Associate Vice President for Student Life / Dean of Students Jason Cassidy share insight on how to understand today’s college students. Watch the video lecture.

Enrollment Management in Liberal Arts Universities
This session will cover the market dynamics of higher education and how they relate to Furman and the Liberal Arts sector in general. Watch the video lecture.