Group Summary


In our research we found that the coverage of on the environment in society is more ubiquitous among social media than the more traditional media outlets. When we researched “solar AND wind” among four major newspapers in the past 3 months, only 9 stories came up in the results. Whereas we also found that people were actively commenting on Wal-Mart’s Facebook page concerning their sustainability initiative. Books and academic journals generally had good information, but sometimes it was difficult to find stories that were up-to-date.

What does this mass media trend say about our society and the environment?

We would like to suggest that this denotes a marked difference between how mass media channels and individuals view the environment. The trend within social media indicates that individuals see that the environment is important, and that the way we utilize our natural ecosystems has a direct effect on society. On the contrary, mass media outlets seem to brush over certain environmental debates. This is despite the fact that, as we have shown, the way in which we understand and care for the environment is very pertinent to the more covered healthcare, energy, global warming, affordable housing, and food discussions.

Whether or not this phenomenon is actual in practice or purposeful on the part of traditional mass media outlets remains to be seen. However, our observations do have an interesting application to the ideas we have been discussing in class. First, the comparative increase of environmentalism among social media outlets over traditional media channels supports the active user theory. If users are creating media of a different variety than the traditional media, clearly, they are filtering out certain elements and engaging media critically.

Also inherent when discussing mass media and the environment are the issues of political controversy and the media’s “watch dog” role. By cutting corners on certain environmental issues the media has certainly ceased to function as a watch dog. When our blog focused on food, it was clear to see that there are problems with our system, but very few media outlets focus on this. This failure is closely tied with political controversy. A large degree of political change would have to occur in order for our society to become better in tune with the environment and reap more of its benefits. Presently, more traditional media outlets are obviously not ready to incite this change.

But why? Fear of advertising revenues? It could be that conglomerates, which own other companies that engage in environmentally irresponsible business practices, own certain mass media channels. Perhaps it could be explained by demographics. Newspapers might run fewer stories about the environment and more stories on health care, because there readers are generally elderly. Similarly, different television news channels may present skewed view of environmental issues that are more in line with their average users’ political idealology. That being said, more coverage is needed on how our society and the environment can mutually benefit, rather than hurt, one another.

Is It Hot Enough For Ya?


Wonder why it’s a little colder than usual in the winter? Why it’s a little too hot in the summer? The answer is global warming and climate change. Global warming and climate change are two subjects that have become major issues in the world today. Yet, many do not know the facts behind the emergence of global warming and climate change which may lead some to be skeptics.

 Global warming and climate change are due to an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in global climate patterns and increase in greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases lead to warming in the Earth’s climate leading to global warming. However, some regions may experience cooling or wetter weather.

 Effects of Climate Change

  • More extreme weather patterns, super storms
  • More hurricanes
  • Longer dry spells or intense rains
  • Dramatic increase in greenhouse gases
  • Massive extinction of species will aggravate the environmental crisis

 What Can You Do?

  • Seal and insulate your home
  • Use green power which is environment friendly electricity generated by renewable energy

 Global warming and climate change effect people, plants, and animals and protecting the environment from access greenhouse gases and pollution will insure that we have a better world for the next generation

 More information on Global Warming

Can There Ever Be Too Much Recycling?


 Could recycling really hurt more than it helps the environment? There are some critics who believe that recycling in excess can be detrimental to society.  One of those people is Daniel Benjamin an economist who wrote an article titled “Eight Great Myths of Recycling.” In this article he describes the 8 myths that lead people to believe recycling is the ultimate answer to environmental well being such as:

  • Our Garbage Will Bury Us
  • Our Garbage Will Poison Us
  • Recycling Always Protects the Environment

However, there are negative factors of recycling that do support Benjamin’s claim that the listed above are not infallible such as:

  • Abandoned dump sites for recycling, when left unmanaged, damage the surrounding environment
  • Harmful chemicals in the trash can mix water into soil causing water and soil pollution
  • Paper recycling can be costly because it takes different industrial processing such as bleaching to make it usable.

Though he does point out the negative and contradictory aspects of recycling he states that informed and voluntary recycling conserves resources and helps our wealth, while mandatory recycling only leads people to do what they know is not sensible and hurt society rather than help it. In respects to Benjamin’s opinion I also believe that we should not blindly recycle or do any other measure to conserve the environment without looking at its causes and effects.