Newspaper Coverage of Airport Security

Airport security topics are portrayed in newspapers very similarly to how they are viewed on television, as discussed in the last blog post.  Newspapers, too, criticize the main difference is that newspapers provide more specific and sometimes witty headlines.  Here are some just to name a few from USA Today and the New York Times:

Congestion and Other Terminal Illnesses

Spring break travelers face new airport security rigors

New air scare brings renewed travel hassles

Body scanners key to anti-terror plan

Most of the titles shown above give readers a clear idea of the outlook of the article which is how security is such a hassle. However, one article I found served as kind of a public service announcement for the Department of Homeland Security.  It was organized so that almost the entire article was a quote from Janice Napolitano, the secretary of Homeland Security.  In it she explains the reforms and improvements being made in airport safety.  Unlike most commentaries that render air travel as a bother, this one attempts, probably by request of the Department of Homeland Security, to reassure travelers that airport security measures are a top priority on both national and international levels.


Security procedures for air travel are also covered in newspaper articles for the sake of the traveler’s interest about a certain destination or possible setbacks.  Many articles in the “Travel” section of newspapers deal simply with how specific airport are with timeliness and safety in order to give travelers a heads-up about delays, etc…

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