Economic Times Will Change…Sports Will Always Endure

The recession proved to be a devastating event for any business, individual, and conglomerate alike. We all had to cut back and monitor our spending in some way, shape or form. Sports however, depending on the team and its ownership, varied in terms of spending cuts and whether or not they were truly affected by the recession. Most if not all sports fans were aware of the New York Yankees spending $423.5 million on only three players! Obviously the economy has not affected the Big Apple’s most storied sports franchise.

New York Sports Fall 2009

With the growth in technology, we have seen organizations due all that is possible to provide their fans with the ultimate experience. Teams such as the New York Yankees, New York Mets, New York Giants/Jets, Minnesota Twins, and Dallas Cowboys have just completed construction on new stadiums, none of which seemed to be too ill-affected by the economic recession. American sports have been able to endure much of the turmoil so far and do not seem to be in danger of receiving any catastrophic blows in the near future in terms of player salaries, marketing and overall advertising of their respective teams. Internationally, soccer teams may see different results from the recession. Every club soccer team in the world has one primary sponsor that has its symbol/logo on the front of its jerseys. AIG is the primary sponsor for perhaps the most famous and lucrative sports team in the world: Manchester United of Barclays English Premiership. They are currently in the midst of a four-year deal that is expected to pay the team $100 million. Strength to be there is a slogan of AIG and seems to be ironic in this sense seeing that they are run by the state now…


The world of sports will continue to evolve exponentially and we will see the rise in performance of the individual as well as the teams who own the rights to their services. Advertising will grow and enable fans from not only our country but all over the world to view their favorite teams. American sports will become fully integrated in the global marketplace sooner rather than later and with that will come an increase in wages and overall revenue for each and ever sport franchise on the planet.


In the end, the market for sports and the organizations involved will transform and take on a different persona, however the intrinsic ideals that every sport is built upon will endure for eternity. The hard work and sacrifice for the team will be alive as long as sports are in existence.