A Student’s Perspective: “Why is water such an issue?”

In response to “Water Month,” a month-long sustainability event hosted by Furman University’s Global Issues Forum (GIF), I decided to interview EAG President/GIF Officer Alison Bressler to find out why water is such an issue.

Listen to the interview.

Within the context of why GIF chose water as their theme this semester, I asked Alison to explain why she thought water was such an important issue. As her answer, she explained how water is connected to a larger picture. It is used not only for domestic use but for agriculture and gasoline production as well. It is much more than simply “how much water you are consuming in your showers,” or obvious water use. Water is used in recycling, raising cattle, and even manufacturing plastic. But unfortunately, people are often unaware of water’s interconnectedness between their everyday lives and the global scope of water.

Students do not think about water outside of their everyday lives.

To remedy this, Alison suggests students take action and become educated on the subject. Furman students specifically can become involved by participating in Water Month CLPs as well as the upcoming Water Walk. The Furman Water Walk is scheduled for April 13th at the Library Loop from 9am to 4pm. As mentioned in one of my previous blogs, the Water Walk will be designed to simulate how much effort it takes to carry water long distances, illustrating the difficulties some families without water face.


GIF’s Blog

More Blogs With Alison:

EAG Upcoming Events: Water Month

Related Blogs:

Tapped Afterthought

The Taste of Water