NAFTA Spells Oppression

Earlier this month, Mexican officials announced they expect the economy to grow by 3.4% in 2010.  Despite this projected growth, much of the country is ravaged by poverty and inequality.  Mexico has one of the most disparate wealth distributions in the entire world.  NAFTA is largely to blame.    

When President Bill Clinton implemented the North American Free Trade Agreement I don’t think he knew its implications for Mexico’s poorest citizens.  At least, I hope he didn’t.

Signed into law in 1992, NAFTA is a tripartite agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the United States stipulating the equal flow of goods between the countries.  Although well-intended, the sudden influx of drastically discounted goods into Mexico crippled farmers and indigenous populations who have survived off the profits of their land for centuries. 

NAFTA quickly put the majority of rural farmers out of business.

Mexican farmer selling corn in the marketplace.
Mexican farmer selling corn in the marketplace.

Corn subsidies only exacerbated the problem of selling products in the local market.  Seed prices are up 20%.  In February of 2008, hundreds of thousands of Mexican farmers rallied in the streets of Mexico City, the nation’s capital to protest the corn subsidy. 

Corn is not the only crop that has gone to pot since NAFTA began, literally. 

According to an article in La Jornada, the relationship between the signing of the bill and drug trafficking has become tighter.  In places such as Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Veracruz, the growth of marijuana and poppy seed has increased with unprecedented intensity.  1/3 of all arable and permanent croplands in Mexico are used to grow illicit substances.  (I will explain more about the War on Drugs in later posts.)

While it is true the Mexican economy as a whole has made slight gains in the years since NAFTA, the campeñeros are bearing the brunt of this preferential agreement between the United States and Mexico.

Angels in Disguise?

This semester I will be exploring US foreign policy with regards to providing medical aid and assistance to Africa, focusing specifically on AIDS and Malaria. I will be comparing US policies under former President George W. Bush, and the current policies of the Obama administration, and  looking at the influence of philanthropic organizations and how they impact government policy, specifically from U2 front man Bono, the Clinton Foundation, and the Gates Foundation. Through examining scholarly books and journals, which focus on medical aid to Africa, and interviewing Furman faculty who have expertise on US foreign policy with regards to providing medical aid and assistance I will gain even deeper insights on the subject. On a local note, I will document the perspectives and activities of campus associations, such as Africa Rising, that relate to providing medical aid and assistance to Africa.

The Red Campaign, one of the many philanthropies fighting HIV/Aids in Africa
The Red Campaign, one of the many philanthropies fighting HIV/Aids in Africa

Exploring the Space Between a Rock and a Hard Place

china-america gears
Photo from Global Markets

Over the course of the next few weeks, I will discuss US-China relations as they pertain to human rights and environmental issues AND how these issues affect interactions between China and the US as well as the implications for surrounding nations. 


To answer these questions, I will pull from the following resources:


  • a variety of online sources including American and Chinese news agencies 


  • Chinese history and culture, possibly including English-language blogs by Chinese authors


  • scholarly articles about US-China relations, US foreign policy and China’s treatment of human rights and environmental issues


  • interviews with faculty and students who have knowledge of US-China relations as well as current human rights and environmental issues


I look forward to sharing the answers I find!

Terrorism in the Air

Throughout the course of the semester I would like to examine the evolving nature of international air travel security as it relates to US foreign policy.  After 9/11, heightened security has become one of the most effective measures against terrorism. Implementing these new restrictions on air travel have afftected US relations with countries and their citizens, espcially those of the Middle East.  I will monitor recent restrictions on air travel from the  Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and evolving technologies involved with air security.  I will also use information published by the government, articles concerning instances of terrorism in the air, and interviews from airline employees and passengers regarding the policies enacted in order to ward off terrorism.

american place