Latin America: Media and the Marginalized

Isidro and his family.  They live in Tlamacazapa, an indigenous village in the southern state of Guerrero, Mexico.
Isidro and his family. They live in Tlamacazapa, an indigenous village in the southern state of Guerrero, Mexico.

Every day people all over the world bear the brunt or share in the splendor of United States foreign policy.  No one feels these effects more strongly than the indigenous and marginalized communities in Latin America.  As engaged citizens—but more importantly—human beings, it is important we probe issues such as immigration, militarism, investments, and aid.  In this blog, I will incorporate reputable news sources like La Jornada, The New York Times and CNN to explain my claims regarding representation of the poor and varying perspectives on these themes.  Background research using academic journals, government documents and interviews with experts will enhance my credibility.  Passion, authenticity and depth of understanding will come from my experiences living in Mexico for two months.

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